
Friday 31 March 2017

Tips for a sample sale

I went to my first ever fashion sample sale by Missguided recently, and I thought I would give you the down low on how it went and my tips as to how to get the best out of the experience.

1. Do a lot of research. Dig a little deeper into the details so you know where and when, and also how much they are selling things for so you can kind of set a budget.

2. Look in your wardrobe before you go to see if there is anything which you particularly need, just so you have some ideas in your mind before you go.

3. If you can take a friend - do. This is easier said than done as this was on a Wednesday and all of my friends work in 9-5 Monday - Friday jobs so I went alone. I was actually scared to go alone, but there was so many other girls there on their own once I got there. I just think taking a friend will help you make more clear decision and will give an honest opinion. Although on the contrary, a friend could possibly encourage you to spend and buy more than you need as you are caught up in the excitement.

4. Get there for when it starts. I had every intention for getting there on time, however I got a little bit lost and ended up 30 mins late and was so annoyed at myself when I saw some of the other amazing pieces which other people already had in their hands.

5.  Have cash. From what I believe most sample sales will only take cash due the easiness of transactions, and also the one which I went to was donating all the money to charity. I took more than I needed as I didn't know how much I wanted to spend and I didn't want to be in the predicament of not having enough.

6. Once you have arrived there have a good rummage and look on all the rails. Pick up everything which you think you might like. Look on every rail and every table. It's going to be messy but there might be that one gem hiding underneath another item.

7. If you can try it on. Obviously as it is a sample sale nothing has sizes on. Tops and jumpers you can judge by just holding each item up, but dresses and jeans I really suggest you do try on even you pull them on over the top of your own clothes. At this point, it is probably good to add in to wear something appropriate. I wore a thick jumper which was not ideal at all. There was security guard who was saying we were not suppose to try on, but as long as they can see that you are not robbing anything then I don't see the problem. I am so glad I tried my chosen items on as some of the things I thought would fit just from looking at it did not. This is where having a friend to giving an opinion would help. There was no mirrors and I saw lots of people taking photos of each other so they could see exactly what each item looked like on.

8. I would then suggest having a second look around now that you have your selected items that you love. I found a few more must have pieces by going in for a second rummage and don't be frightened to get in there.

9.  I would then look at all things you are wanting to buy and make sure they will fit with things in your wardrobe, or you have an occasion to wear them. It is so easy just like in Primark to get sucked in and think it's only £5, but it adds up quickly and you don't want items to be sitting in your drawer gathering dust and it to end up in a charity bag the next time you do a clear out. Also, I suggest it this point you check out the garments for imperfections - holes, makeup stains, stitching errors.

10. Once you are sure that have all the items which you have (hopefully you've found some bargains!) head to the till. At this point I wouldn't suggest picking up or looking at anything else whilst you are waiting as you may make some misjudged decision and end up picking up on the whim. If this does happen I suggest trying on and make sure you actually want it.

I came away with 4 items a playsuit, skirt, shorts and a dress. When I tried the dress on at home I actually hated it, it fits but the style does not suit me at all. I do however love all of my other items. I hope you have found this post helpful, and please share any other tips which you may have.



Wednesday 29 March 2017

L'Oreal Pure Clay Face Washes

Since their launch I have been using both of the L'Oreal pure clay detox and purity washes which are currently on offer for £3.99. I was pondering in Superdrug deciding which one to buy so I decided to go with both. This also come in a glow version which aims to cleanse and brighten any dull areas of your face, this has a scrub texture rather than a gel. They originally came out with the purity clay line in mask form a few months ago and they went down a storm. Using the same concept they have now brought the original three types but in daily facial washes.

The purity wash aims to cleanse, purify and mattify, I like this for helping to eliminate impurities and excess oils which ultimately results in a reduction of any visible shine throughout the T-zone. The detox wash cleanses, clarifies and detoxifies the skin, the charcoal element of this drawers out impurities from deep within the skin cells. Both of these have a gel cream texture which is quite thick, the charcoal one is slightly thicker and stickier. I feel as though they both work really well and do exactly what they say.

I use the purifying one when my skin is looking shiny and I can see excess oils throughout my T-zone, this is great for combination and oily skin types. I then use the charcoal one when I feel as though my pores could do with a thorough cleanse. I tend for some reason to use them in the shower which is usually at nighttime, as I love that feeling of going to bed when your skin feels fresh and decongested. I use whichever one I feel as though my skin will benefit from at the time. I also use them together if needed. L'Oreal have done exceptionally well with this line, and it has gone down so well due to the advertising within the campaign. They have a simple message that different areas of your skin needs a different type of attention. They are trying to state that one miracle multifunctional product is not going to solve everyone's individual problems with their skin. So for me I often need to add moisture to areas which is usually where my skin is most congested (the detox wash), but then I also have a oily T-zone which I want to mattify (the purity wash). Therefore, you can buy either, one, two or all three of the washes and use them daily on the areas which need specific help.

For the price they are great as you get 150ml of product which I think is brilliant as it will last a good few months. The product is advertised to be used a daily wash as oppose to the masks which are as and when you feel. I really enjoy and still use the masks every so often for a total full cleanse as they settle and dry into a hardened mask, whereas the daily washes do not. If you enjoyed using the masks I think you will also like the daily washes. If you have never tried either of these products then I really do suggest you pick them up as they are great products and L'Oreal has done a fantastic job.



Sunday 26 March 2017

Products on Trial

At the moment I have a few skincare and makeup products which I am putting to the test, so I thought I would give you a sneak peek at those pieces. 

I have been trailing lots of high street skincare products at the moment as my skin has turned very dry. I have been using the Garnier pure active sensitive clarifying tonic, which is aimed at problematic skin. This is a new gel consistency toner which is cooling on the skin, I think I am going to this a lot from my initial impressions. Another skincare product comes from Superdrug's new naturally radiant line and I picked up on the whim a 2 in 1 moisturiser and serum, which sounded intrigued to me. Lets hope it adds both moisture and glow to my skin.

A few months ago I featured the LA Girl pro conceal in a post. which I actually really enjoy using. I therefore wanted to try to the LA Girl pro coverage foundation, BeautyBay stock all of their products so I decided to pick it up as I am always on the hunt for a new full coverage foundation.

I also have two Soap & Glory products on the go at the moment, the first being their thick and fast mascara. You may know if you have been reading my blog for a while, when it comes to mascaras I am so fussy but I have heard a lot of good things about this one. Lasting I have the glow all out highlighting stick being put to the test at the moment, I usually use powdered highlighters so it has been nice changing and trailing a cream version.

Have you tried any of these products?



Friday 24 March 2017

Updated Skincare Routine

I thought it was time to finally do an updated skin care post. I have been wanting to get one of these up for ages, but I had not quite got myself into a proper day and night routine. I am happy with all of these products which I am currently using, and I think they all contribute to my routine one way or another.

Acnecide is a facial wash which I was recommended by my dermatologist, it contains benzoyl peroxide which fights bacteria which lives on the skin and can be a main cause of acne. I use this morning and night religiously as part of my daily routine. It is a thin, cream like consistency which you use like any daily facial wash, however they recommend you leave it on for 1-2 minutes before washing off. I tend to brush my teeth in the process and by the end I have finished it is using just about time to wash it off.

Pixi Glow Tonic is one of the products which I use 3-4 times a week to give my skin a thorough clean and also to add some glow back into my skin. It leaves my skin feeling refreshed and it contains 5% glycolic acid and witch hazel which I find helps to smooth and neutralise my skin. It costs £18 for 250ml, but it is definitely a must have step in my routine.

I recently dedicated an entire post to the Kiehl's Ultra Facial Oil Free Gel Cream. I bought it as I was in real need of a morning moisturiser to give me skin a real boost and add hydration as my skin is always super dry first thing in the morning. The is the most expensive product in my skincare routine at £24.50, but I am really loving using it. The great aspect of this is that it does not clog the pores due to its gel like consistency rather than a cream.

This cheapest product from my skin routine is the Botanics All Bright Purifying Facial Scrub for just £1.99. I really enjoy the gritty texture of this as I feel as though it manages to take off the excess flaky skin sitting on the surface of the skin. It buffs away the skin gently and it does not tug at the skin. It also contains natural AHAs to help brighten and smooth out the overall skin's surface. I use this 2-3 time a week whilst in the shower and my skin always feels refreshed when I get out.

I have been enjoying using both of the L'Oreal Pure Clay Detox and Purity washes which are at the moment on offer for £3.99 in Superdrug. The purity wash aims to cleanse, purify, and mattify, I like this for helping to eliminate impurities and excess oils. The detox wash cleanses, clarifies, and detoxifies the skin. They have a gel cream texture, which turns into a more foam like wash when applied to the face with water. I really enjoy using both on rotation, the purifying wash helps to reduce excess shine. I would recommend this for combination and oily skin types. I use the charcoal detox wash to give my entire face a thorough deep cleanse, this is good for acne or problematic prone skin.

The Duac Cream is another recommendation by my dermatologist to use at night on my spots which are already active on my skin. It contains two ingredients - clindamycin which is an antibiotic commonly used for acne, and also benzoyl peroxide which as I said before works by removing blockages and excess sebum from the skin. I have found that this has really dried my skin out but in a good way as I have started to notice that my active spots have dried out much quicker than usual. It has definitely taken the excess oils from my skin especially through my T-zone.

Do you have any skincare recommendations to add into my routine?


Wednesday 22 March 2017

Content change and being relatable

I write this on a Sunday morning whilst sat in bed on my day off deciding what YouTube video I want to watch. I then go on Twitter and I see a well known blogger has tweeted about buying luxury products which people simply do not need and should be investing in their future. I see someone respond by saying it's their choice of what they spend their money on and this always the question which it comes back to. Now I ain't saying we should be telling people what to spend their dollar on, as we shouldn't. I see tweets everyday some saying when did spending people's own money become everyone else's business. Others saying how the hell do people afford to buy all of these luxury goods. Either way it's a big topic of discussion, and whether you agree or disagree here's my opinion..

This shift in direction of luxury blogging/YouTubing is clear for all to see. I will start with this debate with the discussion surrounding how they choose to spend their money. I totally agree with the fact that it is someone's personal decision as to how someone spends their own money. This is where I think the being 'relatable' discussion comes into play. They are not forcing anyone to buy what they are showing, but how many of their viewers who have been watching/reading their favourite bloggers and Youtubers since they started out can no longer afford to buy what they are now consistently showing. I am very much aware that that I am generalising and I very much understand that this is only a micro selection, but I am talking the big time bloggers and Youtubers where it is clear to see the shift in their content. For me, I have now been working full time for 5 months and I have definitely fallen in love with a £600 Gucci Marmont bag. But the difference is for me if I was to now buy this bag I think it would be incredibly special to me and I think that is what has changed, or definitely how it is portrayed. It would be a one off item and I would wear it until to death, and to be honest I don't think I will ever part with the cash as I always think of soooo many others ways the £600 could be spent.

The YouTubers who have moved into this luxury end videos bracket have now very much changed their content from a few years ago when they started out, and for many more years after until recently. It is clear to see on my feed that the now Chanel Boy was once a £50 Topshop bag. Students and your average joe bloggs would have previously been able to actually relate to and buy, whilst trying to balance the books, paying bills, petrol and generally getting by. I fully understand that they are perfectly able to change who their audience is now aimed at now they can afford luxury goods and I think this is the answer. I say well done to them for making the money to be able to now afford these luxury items as it is down to hard work there is no doubt in that. But to many viewers and readers who do not earn this kind of money in a normal day to day full time job and also works just as hard, they do no longer feel that they can go out and buy what their favourite blogger and YouTuber is chatting about.

It would be interesting to see the change in audience and ages of people watching, as this is definitely where I think the change has been made. I don't actually enjoy watching these high end hauls as much as I do to say a Topshop or ASOS one, as that is what I relate to in terms of simply being able to afford. It excites me being able to put items on my payday wishlist, and taking inspiration. If it is another unboxing video of a Dior handbag I am more inclined to watch something else. But, that is my personal opinion, and I am 100% sure people will have a different view on this. I definitely do not agree with some responses saying that they have a 'responsibility' to only show certain things. It is their channel, they can show what they want and I hope I have made that clear. Like me with my blog, I blog about what I am passionate about and that's the reason I have been at it for over three and a half years now. I am just one viewer and one reader and I am certain that they still have lots of viewers who love to watch and read their blogs as they can also afford the same luxury goods. I am trying to get across with this that it is all simply down to a change in how they want to take their channels and blogs in a different direction. It's just that some people have changed their direction so much that they definitely are not relatable to some people. I think it is important to emphasis the some as that is definitely what it is.

I will always get backlash from this post and that is why it has took me so long to actually write it. But, I actually feel like this topic is always going to be around in the bloggersphere, but at the moment due to this change in content being so blatant I thought was time for me to express my opinions as at the end of the day my blog is here as my little space on the internet.

Sunday 19 March 2017

TK Maxx Haul

I made a little visit to TK Maxx recently and was surprised at the amount of amazing skincare and makeup available at such great prices. First of all I was surprised and super happy to see that there was Tony Moly face masks on offer. They are the best face masks on the market which I have tried. I did a whole post dedicated to them which you can read here. I also picked up the Hell-Pore Clean Up Mask which I have been loving to use. This is great for getting deep into the pores and helping to clear them out. I picked up a Balance Me skincare set which contains a purity skin face wash and balancing face moisturiser, I have tried some products from this brand previously and I have really enjoyed using them so far.

The w7 Banana Dreams loose powder and Honolulu bronzer have both been products which I  have been after for a while. The bronzer is said to be a dupe for the Nars laguna bronzer, so I am excited to try it out and compare them. Unfortunately, the packaging fell in two when I first opened it but I have glued it back together and I hoping the product is worth the wait. The loose powder is said to be a great baking powder, I have been wanting to try the whole baking craze for ages but I did not want to splash out on anything too expensive. I also picked up a Maybelline Whispers Lipstick in the shade Petal Rebel, I have been wanting to try these for ages, they were released in the USA a while ago and I have still and have never seen them on the British high street in our cosmetics stores. Therefore, I was excited to try these out as they have a sheer finish.



Friday 17 March 2017

Spring OOTD

I am finally bringing you another outfit of the day post, I love doing these but I unfortunately do not have the instagram husband nor the streets of London to take my photos. All in all, I really loved wearing this outfit. The shirt is from Topshop and it is unfortunately last season so it is no longer available. These ASOS jeans are a perfect fit all round and such a great length. I love the dark wash of colour of these as they are perfect for spring. The belt is from Primark and I bought it recently for just £1.50. I am killing to buy the Gucci double G belt, but I am struggling with parting with the £220. These was the first time I wore these Valentino rockstuds dupes which are from Primark. Now I am a girl who loves shoes, but I could never part the £600 plus to buy the proper pair. This version are just £13 and are still in stores now. They are super comfortable and the nude colour is perfect for Spring and leading into Summer.


Wednesday 15 March 2017

Superdrug Haul

I went on a little trip to Superdrug to pick up some skincare essentials, and I needed a new toner. They had a huge array of skincare products on offer, many 1/3 off.

I bought two lots of facial wipes the first being Micellar Cleansing Wipes for just £1.59. I have bought these time and time again as they are my holy grail if they exists when it comes to facial wipes. They are super soft and light on the skin, and they work brilliant on both the face and eyes at removing all my makeup. The wipes are always really full of the moisture and they leave my skin feeling refreshed.

I also wanted to put to test the new Garnier Pure Active 2 in 1 Wipes which cost just £2.19. These are purifying wipes which are targeted at skin with imperfections. I thought I would try these out as they contain zinc and salicylic acid. This pack contains 25 wipes are they are thicker than regular face wipes. I am hoping these will help clear impurities and excess sebum with my pores and skin.

I was intrigued and instantly picked up Garnier's new Pure Active Sensitive Anti-Blemish Clarifying Tonic. I was on the look of for a new toner and this has a thin gel consistency which I have enjoyed using of the past few days. It is currently on offer for £4.00 and I think it is great value for you for money as it contains witch hazel and salicylic acid, which are ingredients which help with tackling acne or problematic skin.

On the whim I picked up the Naturally Radiant 2 in 1 Moisturiser and Serum on offer for just £2.95. I liked the idea that this is a combined moisturiser and serum. I need as much moisture in my skin as I can possibly get at the moment as my skin is super dry due to new medication for my acne. I hope this adds some glow and radiance to my skin. I have heard a lot of good reviews about Superdrug's own skincare brand, which I have never tried before so I will report back if it is a must have.



Sunday 12 March 2017

L'oreal infallible

The new L'Oreal infallible range has launched and I decided to try out the new line. I bought it last month when it very first hit stores, and the offer which I bought it on is currently still available. It is 3 for 2 across all L'Oreal products and you also get the sponge free when you purchase any 2 products from the line. I was a little bit dubious about trying this range as my skin is drier than it has ever been, and the matte aspect of the product made me a little bit scared that it would cling to every dry patch on my skin.

I am happy to report I have really been enjoyed using the Primer Matte Base (£7.99). It has a thick, gel like consistency which creates a really lovely base prior to makeup application. I find that I need 2-3 fingertips full for application across my entire face. It leaves a really lovely texture to the skin which is soft to touch. I agree with its claim that it smooths and minimises pores and shine. I was concerned regarding the matte aspect that it would dry my skin out even further, but it doesn't and I have used this with other foundations with more of a glow aspect and it is basically an all round primer which does it's job, I really like it. When it is on your fingers before application it can feel a little bit greasy but once applied to the skin it does not feel this way on the skin.

I have been putting off publishing this post because of the Total Cover Foundation (£7.99), and I have still not 100% come to a total conclusion. The good bits - it is definitely full coverage with one layer and it is also so buildable if you want to add a little more to problematic areas. The consistency is a mousse like texture, which I have not had in my collection for a long time and I have enjoyed having something different as an option as I usually go for thin, fluid consistencies like their True Match foundation or Nars Sheer Glow. It reminds me of those high school days of using the ever almighty Dream Matte Mousse! I once again found that I need more product than usual, but I think this is due to the consistency of the product and it not blending as far as fluid foundations. I always think this looks amazing when it is first applied but it does cling very slightly around my nose which I blend out as best as I can. This does cover and camouflage blemishes really well with just one application, there is no denying its total coverage status. I find instead of blending this in it works really well with more pushing it into the skin for a more flawless finish.

There are unfortunately a few downsides to this product. Firstly the shade range there are only 7 shades in the entire range, I chose the shade Light Sand which is the second lightest of the bunch after Porcelain. This matches my skin okay, I could have done with something with a more neutral undertone as it is a little too dark for me. Another downside, it's longevity as I say I am always super happy when I first apply it, but I do not agree with it 24 hours wear claim. I have sometimes looked at my skin in the mirror after 8 hours and noticed real wear throughout my t-zone where it has budged and it can sometimes look as though my pores have enlarged where it has soaked into it, but this is probably down to the matte finish. That is the main reason why I can't say whether I love or hate it, it has some great points and is definitely the most full coverage foundation out their on the high street market. For £7.99 if you want a matte finish foundation and you have normal or combination skin this would be great for you. However, if you have dry or problematic skin, this might cling to any dry patches as the day progresses so a good base is an essential.

I have a little story about the Fixing Mist (£7.99) and I have to say it isn't a good one. So the day after I purchased all of my new goodies, obviously I was wanting to put it all onto my face. I thought let's put it all to the test whilst I am at work for 12 hours. As the instructions say, I gave the bottle a good shake and then applied it to my face as I would with any fixing mist. I then quickly got ready for work and hurried downstairs. As I was literally about to step outside the door I caught my reflection in the mirror and saw my face was covered in white speckles. Considering it was 6am I actually thought for a few seconds it was deodrant as that was exactly what it looked like! I quickly rubbed it and realised it was the mist, as you could probably imagine I was not impressed. I had to get to work, but at every traffic light I was having to try and sort my makeup out in the mirror as my face was covered in splatters of white powder. I then got out the car and realised my shoes and uniform also was coated in white speckles.

I then asked on Twitter if anyone else had had these issues and I had a few responses. Someone said that I needed to give it a really good shake for at least 2 minutes - but who really has that time! Another blogger stated she had exactly the same problems as me and her mist had always sprayed bits of the formula out through the nozzle, she said she had also had a powder shower! You can see in the bottom of the bottle a thick layer of the white residue and this is obviously what sprays at you and unfortunately ends up everywhere. I swear for days I was finding bits of this on my mirror, makeup and carpet. I have not yet retried it because who wants to spend 20 minutes doing their makeup for it to be ruined in seconds. As you can probably tell I definitely do not recommend this.

This range from L'Oreal definitely has some hits and misses, and if you are wanting to try it I would recommend both the primer and foundation, but I would definitely stay clear of the primer.



Friday 10 March 2017

Botanics Purifying Skin Scrub

As I come to the bottom of my Botanics Purifying Skin Scrub, I have realised that I have never mentioned it on my blog and I thought I was time to. I bought this a few months ago when I was looking for some new skincare pieces to add into my routine when my skin started to become much drier than it has ever been. I placed this in my shower cubicle and started to use it 2-3 times a week after washing my face. I am happy to report that I have really enjoyed using this and best of all it costs just £1.99!

The texture is nice and slightly gritty which I like as I feel as though it is getting into and decongesting my pores, but most importantly it buffs away the dry, flaky skin. This is exactly what I have been wanting as I have felt as though my makeup has been clinging to all the dry patches on my face. It has a pleasant scent which is slightly fruity as it contains apricot, cocoa butter and walnut. It also contains natural AHAS to help brighten and smooth out the skin. If you want an additional or new scrub to add into your skincare routine I would highly recommend checking this out.



Wednesday 8 March 2017

Kiehl's Ultra Facial Oil Free Gel Cream

I recently mentioned in my February favourites post that the Kiehl's Ultra Facial Oil Free Gel Cream had fast become a favourite of mine since purchasing it at the start of February. When I asked for some skincare recommendations on Twitter so many girls responded by saying the Kiehl's Ultra Facial Cream, so off I went to purchase it from Selfridge's. There was a lovely skincare assistant who advised me to try the oil free version as it is much less likely to clog my pores - winner! I definitely do not need anything clogging my pores as that is the main cause of my acne.

So, to put it in a nutshell I really like this. The texture is a light gel which I now realise I much prefer to a cream. The consistency of the cream moisturises in really well and after application to the face it feels cool as it contains cucumber and instantly smooths out of my skin. My nose and chin are the areas of my face which have been the driest recently, and I notice the most change in my skin in both of these areas. I have used this every morning since I purchased it, and it has fast become part of my everyday skin routine. This is a non-greasy formula, which targets both normal and oily skin types.

In the past I have not actually bought that much high end skincare as I am never sure how my skin will react. I have wanted to try Kiehl's skincare for years, and this has definitely been a great introduction for me. This was not cheap it was £24 for the 50ml jar, and I do add 2-3 fingertips of this to my skin each morning. I do however think they will last me a few months. All in all, if you are wanting a new moisturiser to add hydration and even out the texture of your skin as a base before you makeup application I would highly recommend giving this a go.



Sunday 5 March 2017

Tony Moly Face Masks

I recently picked up some Tony Moly face masks in TK Maxx and I was so happy as they were only £2.99! I first picked one of these up last year in Sephora as I had heard a few bloggers who had been to the USA who had tried them and thought they were amazing. At the time I did not quite understand the hype, I originally only picked up the skin purifying seaweed mask and I was surprised at just how much I loved it. It added so much hydration and glow to my face, and I regretted not buying more. I bought it in the Sephora in Palma, Majorca and it was only 1.50, I could not quite believe it when I looked on Cult Beauty and they are £6 over here.

That is why when I walked into TK Maxx and saw them and there were £2.99 I did a little happy dance. It is far from the 1.50 I paid in Sephora but it is much better than the £6 on Cult Beauty. Unfortunately, they did not have the seaweed mask which I had previously tried. They did however, have a wide array of other masks available. I picked up a variety of different masks to try out, I am not going to lie I definitely got carried away. The masks as stated all have different purposes such as brightening, purifying, and clearing skin. I have not yet tested them all out as I like to save them for when I feel my skin is really in need of some TLC.

I am happy to report that I have used the pore care red wine mask as my acne has been really inflamed recently and I thought this was the perfect mask to choose. It aims to tighten uneven skin texture with enlarged pores. Both of the masks which I have tried have been full of moisture and do feel wet when I pulled it out of the packet, which I think to some people can seem worrying. Do not fear, as this is what is going to work its wonders on your skin. One feature which I particularly love about these masks is how well they fit my face, how many face masks have we all tried where they are hanging off your face as they are too big and your nose ends up in the mouth slot! Well what I love about these masks is that there are flaps around the edging of the masks so you can pull it to fit over your face perfectly and smooth out the edges. One thing I did note was that over my nose I had to really move the edging to get it exactly right as at first it was not around the creases of my nose which is exactly where I wanted this mask to target. The instructions tell you to leave it on for 20-30 minutes and then to remove, you will note that it leaves a residue on your skin but I find it really refreshing and I just massage it into my skin for an added extra boost. Once the extra residue had dried into my skin I did notice that my face did feel slightly sticky, but my skin did feel firmer and tighter. I love it when a product leaves your skin feeling fresh and that is exactly how it felt all day after using this mask.

I think that these are such great value for money and if you can find them in your local TK Maxx then you will have got yourself a bargain. I know that when I am heading abroad this summer I am definitely going to stocking up in Sephora.

Have you ever tried any Tony Moly skincare?


Friday 3 March 2017

Lipsticks living in my handbag #1

Everyone has a collection of lipsticks in their handbag, and thought I would start a new little series of what's lipsticks are currently living in my handbag. This month I have been wearing a mixture of liquid lipsticks, lipsticks and glosses. 

I always have a trusty stash of Kat Von D liquid lipsticks in my handbag as they are my absolute faves. The two which have been taking residence in my handbag this month are Lolita II and Mother. Lolita II is described as a terracotta nude and it is my current favourite liquid lipstick, it is my favourite darker nude shade to turn to and I love pairing this with a dark, smokey eye. Mother is a medium dusty pink which suits my colourings really well. If you have any other Kat Von D shades in comparison it is darker and bright than Bauhau5, and this is more wearable for a day to day basis. The formula of these are the best on the beauty market both low and high end. The formula is thin and application wears well throughout the day with little movement.

I have recently fallen back in love with my beloved MAC lipsticks, and there are two which have been my firm favourites. Please Me is a beautiful warm toned pink which has a matte finish. This is richly pigmented which lasts well, this is a lipstick which I can wear on any day whether it is in the day when I am at work or night when I am on a night out. It is really versatile and that is definitely its main selling point. Velvet Teddy was the most sought after lipstick after Kylie Jenner described it as her go to, and it started the big nude trend which very much still exists today. It is a cool brown which also has a matte finish. I think the main selling point and what makes this such a success is that it suits so many skin tones and it is the 'perfect' nude. I reach for this often when I have used a lot of colour on my eyes and want to keep my lips neutral.

I was so excited for Anastasia Beverly Hills to realise their liquid lipsticks over here in the UK, and unfortunately they are consistency sold out on their website. However, at Christmas they started shipping to the UK and had a free shipping offer on. The brand has such a great reputation and I was dying the try a lip product, I decided to purchase one their lipglosses in the shade Peony. This is a richly pgiemte slip gloss and I own nothing like this. It feels and actually looks similar to liquid lipstick in a gloss finish. It is has a much thicker consistency compared to a lot of other glosses, and I do not own anything like this. It does not have the same lasting power as a lipstick, but I actually really enjoy wearing this and it is great on a day to day basis. I would not wear this over the top of a lipstick as I think it would be a little too much on my lips. The colour of this is a lovely medium toned pink which is a 'lips but better shade' on me. 

What lipsticks have been living in your handbag recently? 



Wednesday 1 March 2017

MAC Retro Matte Liquid Lipcolour in Too Matte With Love

Just after Christmas I picked up a MAC Retro Matte Liquid Lipcolour in the shade Too Matte With Love. I had been wanting to try a colour from this line since they were released in Autumn 2016, but could not decide which one to go for. If you have been a reader of my blog for awhile, you will know I am a huge fan of liquid lipsticks and I have tried a wide variety from different brands both low and high end. I have a lover of the brand MAC since a teen, and I always go back to them when I am looking to try something new. I thought I would do a review in a breakdown sput in a diary style throughout my day to switch things up a little!

I applied the liquid lipstick at 10am and I was impressed as it went on easy and the application was good and even with one just coat. Pigmentation of the product was impressive and the fuschia definitely stands out. The shape of the wand was different to any other liquid lipsticks which I have tried, and I thought that the wand was  little bit too wide on the edges and it could easily cause you to apply too much product around the edges of your lips.

There was some slight flaking at 11.30am and some wear to centre of bottom lip, but I was able to reapply evenly and with little fuss. I did note that it felt more matte this time compared to the first application. I ate my dinner at Nando's at 1pm and surprisingly it lasted really well, I was super impressed with the staying power of the pigmentation and colour as it was still as good as before I ate. I did notice some light wearing to the corners of my mouth which is to expect and I did not bother to reapply as I did not feel it was necessary. 

At 5pm post orange juice and chocolate bar, I noticed that on my lips there was still good coverage on main segment of my lips. However, I did see some patchiness towards the middle and outer edges. On my lower lip this was where there was the most wear as it looked patchy and was easy to flake off. I was surprised to see that underneath where it had flaked off it left a pleasant colouring to my lips which was a darker pink. I thought to myself that I would not be totally disappointed with how it looked in a mirror as it was not uneven and it did not have different strengths of colour payoff on my lips where it had worn.

I then took it off completely at 6pm as I was off to dancing and I didn't want to reapply it for an hours lesson. To round up, I had heard very mixed reviews about these and if you have followed my blog for a while you will know how many liquid lipsticks I have tried and tested. I think this shade is beautiful and it offers even pigmentation with one swipe and the colour is vibrant and  accurately reflects the colour in its actual tube. It dries to a matte finish, however I found it slightly drying on the lips whilst it was in this process from application to it totally setting. It was not uncomfortable or irritating and I did  not feel like I needed to remove it. I would repurchase these for the main factor as to how well on the whole it latest throughout the day and did not budge too much. There was some slight movement when I ate but I have had liquid lipsticks in the past which have left my lips practically lipstick free post eating and drinking. One of the most impressive points was even when it did fade I was not left with patches of lipsticks which were still a lot brighter than others it was a more smooth, even coverage, as this is the main problem which I have found with such vibrant shades of other liquid lipsticks. Overall, I think this is a good product from MAC but it does not quite however place higher in my rankings ththan my holy grail Kat Von D. This is down to the fact that I feel they are super comfortable on my lips at all times, and I prefer the application wand. These would come in the same category with Colourpop's liquid lipsticks in terms of finish, but I have to say MAC's do wear better throughout the day. I would place these higher in the rankings than the Kylie Cosmetics version as I find that Kylies's offer the most matte finish but this results in you being able to  feel the product on your lips all day and after a few hours I feel the need to remove it.

What are your favourite liquid lipsticks? 


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