Tuesday, 12 November 2013

My MAC Lipstick Collection

My MAC Lipstick Collection:

 From Left to right:
Viva Glam Nicki - Satin
Candy Yum-Yum - Matte
Syrup - Lustre
Vegas Volt - Amplified
Impassioned - Amplified
Viva Glam Gaga - Lustre
Feel My Pulse - Cremesheen

(The picture starts with feel my pulse and goes down in ascending order)

I have swatched each lipstick to show a clearer image of each of the colours.

My ultimate favourite to wear is - vegas volt. This is my newest lipstick that I have bought and I honestly do not think I have bought a lipstick and worn it as much as I have worn this one. I absolutely LOVE it!!!

Whilst shopping in MAC, I don't know if anyone else has this issue but I seem to just get attracted to all the brightly coloured lipsticks. I always intend on buying an everyday neutral lipstick but I always come out with the complete opposite!
I do however have a real variety in the colours that I own, meaning I have a colour for every occasion and outfit!
I think my only proper everyday lipstick is syrup. This is a lovely warm neutral but it seems to have a slight undertone of purple when I apply it to my lips.

This is not to say I don't wear all my other MAC lipsticks - I do! There are many people that seem to have that MAC lipstick that they regret buying but I honesty don't. I have different outfits which I know I will wear everyone of this luscious products.
You can probably see how much I love pink toned lipsticks but they are my favourite!

I bought feel my pulse as in impulse buy as it was part of the 2013 temperature rising collection it is a magenta purple colour but unfortunately I don't think it was released in the normal cremesheen collection yet. It is a lovely purple though not to dark and not to light and it really shows on the lips. In terms of a match I don't think MAC has brought anything out yet that is the same shade. Candy yum yum was a colour I wanted forever, every time I'd go into the beauty hall I'd swatch it and walk away thinking when would I wear it but I actually wore it a lot in summer. Although, not as much now unless I want to brighten an outfit on a night out. Impassioned is a darker pink but it still has a brightness to it which clearly shows on the lips. I definitely went through a stage of buying lipsticks that I liked and didn't think about the amount of wear ability of them. This brings me to the viva glam lipsticks. As you can see from the picture I only have a tiny amount left of the lady gaga lipsticks and I have heard so many people saying the resemblance to the Rimmel London 006 Pink Blush and if you swatch them next to each other they are practically identical. The viva glam nicki is actually a real nice bright colour my mum always compared it to the colour of a highlighter but she always complements me when I have it on. Once again though in this recurring theme, the colour is vibrant and I don't think it is really a winter colour.
I don't know about anyone else but from doing this I've come to the conclusion that I need to update my lipsticks! All of my MAC except syrup are summery colours all pinks and brights. When I think of autumn I think of reds and berrys on the lips.

I hope I've made you all want to buy a new lipstick to add to your collection so just in case you do ill leave a link so you can have a little look across the website ... http://www.selfridges.com/en/Beauty/Brand-rooms/Brands/MAC/Make-up/Lips/?brandname=MAC&cm_mmc=PPC-_-google-_-na-_-wonder+woman+mac&ic=54757&llc=sn&ppp=min&utm_medium=cpc


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