I found these stashed in the back of my drawers when I was packing everything together to take back to uni. I discovered Tiger about two years ago, and I just wish they would open one in Manchester. I did a rather large haul last year from the store in Palma which you could read here. This years haul comes from the store in Milan. It's a great store to browse around and find lots of bits and bobs, which you don't really need but make you rather happy inside. I love the stationery most of all as it is unique, and most of all great value. You don't feel bad for buying things as it won't break the bank.
When I saw this cute little wired basket I was not sure what I was going to do with it, but I instantly knew that I needed it. My first thought was to fill it with stationery, however I think I might use it to store products which I am currently testing out. Therefore, I won't forget about them and all the products will be all in one place. I had a classic bloggers moment with this tape. It was just so pretty I could not leave it on the shelves. My mum said the inevitable 'what are you going to do with that?', and I didn't really have an answer. I just sneaked it in my basket. It is rather pretty, and I am going to use it in my blog posts, and to make my notebooks a bit more snazzy. Last but not least, and something which had a firm place in my basket was these mega metallic paperclips. I did have a slight moment to myself to think do I need these, and then I totally reassured myself within seconds that of course I needed them. I am going to use them at uni to keep all my papers together, and look like the coolest kid in the class. All in all, I didn't really need any of this but is cost just 8 euros in total, and I totally love looking at everything in all of it's glory.
Do you love Tiger just as much as I do?