Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Having Bloggers Block

It is the end of the year and that means that throughout 2016 you have had to think of a lot of blog post ideas. This week I found myself feeling slightly deflated and lacking inspiration with my blog and I had no blog ideas at all. I was going to just miss a few posts in my schedule but then I started to think of ways to reignite my love and drive for my blog. I simply searched beauty blog ideas on google and I came across the lovely Sally's 100 beauty blog ideas post which definitely got me thinking, I took 2 or 3 ideas from her list and adapted them to work my own ideas. I also looked at posts which have been the most popular with my readers this year. I do this as it makes me realise what people most like to read, and I also find it helpful to see what have not had my best viewings and see if I can adapt them in any way. I also like to look at magazines for ideas of what is fresh on the market and new beauty releases which help to think of wishlists and upcoming possible purchases. I like to look in weekly magazines as they feature more affordable products, but also in luxurious magazines for high end products to add to my wishlist and something which I can save up for.

Within 10 minutes or so I had a long list of fresh ideas to finish of 2016 and also some exciting new ones for the start of 2017. I sometimes think that it just takes a tiny spark to get going again and feel free from the dreaded blogger's block. It can be really great to feel inspired again and get my blogging mojo back!

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