Friday, 7 October 2016

The Bloggers Blog Awards

Last Saturday I headed on my first big blogger adventure to Leeds for The Bloggers Blog Awards. I had a little bit of a dramatic morning as I was undecided about whether to go or not. I picked up a ticket last minute and everything was a last minute plan. I hadn't met any of the bloggers that were going to the awards, but I had talked to some of them many times before online. After making the last minute decision to jump on the train, it turned out that everything did not quite go to plan. When I go to the train station the car park was closed so I had to drive around and around trying to find a car parking spot meaning that I missed my train. I had a little cry in my car as I was already a bag of nerves and feeling emotional and this little episode pushed me over the edge. After a little sob I was even more determined to make it to Leeds so I jumped on the next train and finally made it.

Thankfully two lovely girls Rachel and Vanessa had agreed to meet me. I was so nervous but they were so lovely and chatty, and I instantly felt a little more relieved. After a slight detour around the city we arrived at the venue which was at Canal Mills. I instantly recognised a few beauty bloggers who blogs I have followed for years, and was really excited to meet everyone. An overwhelming amount of shyness overcame me and I felt like it was my first day at school all over again. The actual awards were a joyous occasion as everyone was encouraging and genuinely happy for those winning the awards. After the awards there was a little more time to mingle, and I actually managed to talk to some bloggers who I had talked to previously online, but also some new lovely bloggers which means more amazing blogs for me to now read. There was then a raffle which had some amazing prizes and it was all to raise money for a little charity called Allerton Cat Rescue which does such great work and I was glad to see the money raised going to such an amazing cause.

The black rose embellished skater dress which I wore I bought recently from River Island and I really love it. I had bought it the week before and this was the perfect occasion to wear it. I am totally loving the embellishment trend this season and it work really well with the mesh spotted overlay to the dress. I paired the dress with some black tights and my trusty shoe boots.

After once again missing my train due to city centre traffic and being crammed on to a jam packed train, I finally crawled into bed and that is when it hit me at what an amazing day I had really had. I was super nervous to attend but I am so happy that I did, and I will definitely be going again next year. I am going to convince so more bloggers to go next year so I can mingle a little more and feel more confident about approaching people. Once again, thank you to Hayley from Tea Party Beauty for organising the event as you did such an amazing job.

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