So last weeks Fashion Friday talked about the H&M Knitted Jumper, this week the H&M theme continues with a few more items which I recently picked up.
I was never a huge fan of H&M over my teenage years, I have always been a Topshop girl. I have popped into H&M and picked up a few bits over the years, but I have never thought 'I must go to H&M' when looking for something new to add to my wardrobe. I think I started to discover it more when my best friend got a job at our local store when we was at college. Although, I was always working at the weekend when she was as well so I still never really got the opportunity to go in very much. When we both took our gap years last year we both worked full time in the same town. The Debenhams I worked in was opposite the H&M she worked in, so in breaks and before and after we finished our shifts we would pop into each other shops to catch up. Whenever her manager saw us chatting I would pretend I was browsing, I think this is how I started to discover the brand. When we would go on our payday shopping trip - which was our monthly shopping trips we would take religiously the weekend we got paid. We would actually schedule it so we would both have the same day off around payday in order to go on this trip. We would literally just go and buy everything we had been swooning over other the past month, as we would have barely any other time in the month to go and get whatever we wanted. We would always tell ourselves that we had worked hard and long hours, so we deserved to spoil ourselves!
Anyway, long story cut short, on these monthly trips she would want to go into the H&M store in town as it was a lot bigger and had a lot more stock than her store and she also got a swifty 25% off as a staff member. She would be an excellent best friend and anything I wanted she would let me use her discount, as H&M don't even offer student discount for some bizarre reason. As she is now living in London these shopping trips unfortunately do not take place anymore, but I have still continued to nip into my new local H&M to check out what they have on offer every now and again.
I nipped in last week as I had seen a really lovely leather asymmetric skirt in one of my magazines which I really liked the look of. I saw an offer advertised that students could get 20% for a limited time, and as mentioned before they never usually do student discount so I thought I should take advantage whilst I could. think Unfortunately they did not have my skirt in store and it was unable to order online, so I went for an alternative the leather skirt which is more a straight length but has the lovely zips to add detail to it. I will wear this with very thick black tights and some cute black boots. I will team it with a brighter jumper or a shirt on and a nice chunky necklace to finish the full look off.
I feel in love with the shirt when I first saw it, the print is so cute and girly and as it is still very cold here in the UK sleeves are still are most on a daily basis. The shirt was £14.99, which is a very reasonable price and I know I am going to get a lot of use out of this. I am going to pair it with either my leather skirt, any colour of jeans or my trusty black leggings. I tried it on and it was the perfect length in body and arms and it was just meant to be!
Talking of trusty black leggings, I love thick leggings I can not stand the thin ones as I like to be able to wear them with jumpers. The ones I go for are the ones which are more like the thickness of pants also to keep me warm in this arctic winter that we seemed to have had. I have had a trusty pair which I bought from the Topshop Petite range at the start of Autumn in 2012 and I have worn them a lot. However, I find that leggings especially black ones somehow manage to go dirty very easily, so they have been through the washer quite a few times. I remember I would wear them all the time to college and a lot of people owned them as they were just so comfortable and they came in a lot of different colours. I also owned them in a khaki colour, I must dig them back out actually I forgot I had them in the khaki! So after the amount of washes they had been through they unfortunately think they had ended up in the dryer a few times as well meaning they had gained the inevitable bobbly effect on them. It was therefore time to replace them and H&M had the perfect offering.The leggings which I bought have been worn so much already, they have already been through and survived their first wash. They are the usual cosy thick legging material and they have an elastic waistband at the top which is a nice extra touch if you want to tuck anything into them. They also have black quilted faux leather panels at the top on each side which adds that nice extra touch. The leggings have a line running down the middle of the leg which is the same faux leather material which is featured on the panels. These were also £14.99 which is a lot cheaper than my original Topshop ones as I think they were about £25.
So all three products added up to £45 but with the 20% off that they were offering as a one off it came to a nice £36.
I feel like I have really rambled today - hopefully not to much.
Latest Posts: Tortilla Pizza / Monthly Payday Shopping Trips / H&M Knitted Jumper / Charlotte Tilsbury / Maybelline Express Remover