Wednesday, 27 April 2016

NYX Haul & first impressions

This shopping spree was the reason why I failed my spending ban. I had a £10 boots voucher and I went to a student lock in night in Manchester and it was 10% off everything in Boots, and I simply could not resist.

I went in to buy the Angel Veil Primer as my Laura Mercier Primer had ran out that morning and it is mega bucks expensive - like £30 expensive. Kathleen Lights had informed me in a recent video of hers that Angel Veil is a dupe for the Laura Mercier one so I thought it was a perfect opportunity to test it out, and with my £10 voucher I would barely be spending anything! I have tried this a few times since buying it and the texture is a soft cream not a silicon gel like Laura Mercier. It is also a little thicker but rubs in really lovely. The only difference is that you need a little more of this as like I say it is a little thicker, and is not as soft as a gel so does not go quite as far.

I also picked up the Angel Food Cake Butter Gloss as I already have the shade Creme Brûlée and it's fab! For £5 they are such great value, and there is definitely something special about these compared to any other glosses which I have ever tried. A bold statement, but a very true one. They are a proper gloss and look glossy on the lips. I find them to not be too tacky and they last a long amount of time on the lips. This colour has a slight purple tint and makes my lips look fuller. These are also great to layer over lipsticks if you want to or they look just as good on their own. I'm a big fan as you can probably tell! 

With all the sunny weather last week, I decided that I needed to invest in a new highlighting product to give those cheeks some extra glow. I picked this Born to Glow Liquid Illuminator in Sunbeam up totally not knowing about anything about it at all, but on a mission to achieve the perfect summer glow. I am not sure whether I should be mixing this in with my foundation as it is a illuminator or whether to use it as an actually highlighter. If anyone has an illuminator recommendations of use please let me know. My first impressions when I have used it this week is that it has a thin liquid consistency, and when applied lightly to the cheekbones it definitely adds some peachy highlight to the tops of my cheekbones. I have a feeling that this is going to be a staple in my makeup bag this Summer.

Is there anything else I need to add to my ever expanding NYX wishlist? 

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