Friday, 30 June 2017

Superdrug Solait Tan

It is that time of the year where summer is just around the corner, meaning the sunny weather is hopefully not far behind. When we had the little short-lived heatwave a few weekends ago, it coincided with a trip to Newcastle with my friends. The weather was scorching, and for the first time in months I decided it was time to get the fake tan out. I decided to put Superdrug's Solait's mousse express dark tan* to the test.

The instructions state to exfoliate the skin in the shower, and then apply the mousse to the skin. You then leave it on between 1-3 hours depending on how dark you want the tan, as the longer you leave it on the more it will develop. I left it on for about one and a half hours and then washed it off. I was left with a subtle tan, which was surprisingly even. I was a little dubious regarding the "dark" element of the tan, as I am fair skinned. That night before going out I wanted the tan to be a little darker so I then added another layer. I was super happy with how it applied over the top, and I used the mitt which I always do to try and get as equal coverage as possible. I was actually really happy with the tan and my friends also commented on how it was nice and not "too orange".

In the morning I reshowered and I could tell that a little bit of the tan had come off with the water contact. However, I think that this was actually a great move as the tan had settled and I was left with a natural looking tan which was not too over the top. It was not patchy or uneven and I was once again pleasantly surprised. I have had so many bad experiences with fake tan, with it being too dark, too orange, or it being patchy and blotchy. My friends asked me what I had used, as they thought it looked really lovely and natural.

I did not reapply the tan for about 3 days, but showered in between and I once again found that the tan did not just wash off, it stayed on and I had a glowing subtle tan. It is my birthday next weekend and I am definitely going to use this again. I am going to apply it the night before I am going out, and leave it on for the full 3 hours and see what a real difference it makes to the intensity. Fingers crossed it will be as good as my first experience. For £4.99, I think this new range of fake tan from Superdrug is a really great buy. It you prefer lotions or wash off tans they have quite a extensive collection of different types of tans in this range to suit person preferences.


*PR sample

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