Friday, 9 June 2017

The roundup for May

I have been wanting to include some kind of dedication to all of the victims, friends and families of the Manchester attack, but I have not been sure the best way to go about it. As I write this today is my first day back writing blog posts. The events which occurred are absolutely horrific and unimaginable. I am just so happy that the city which I live in, has come together and managed to provide help and raise an amazing amount of funds for everyone involved. I also want to send love to everyone also involved in the London attacks. I am toying with the idea of getting a bee tattoo, as you know probably know I am an a&e nurse and I was actually on shift the night the Manchester attack took place, therefore we got patients in needing treatment. I think it would be amazing to get a tattoo representing the unity and community which has been demonstrated. I have never been over amored with wanting a tattoo, so I am still deciding if I definitely want it or not.

I feel like May has become a bit of a blur due to the tragic events. However, the start of the month was great on the 2nd May I went to see Bruno Mars, and he was incredible - he definitely puts on a show. I went to Nottingham on a trip with my uni friends and it was fabulous. We started in the Hilton hotel and went for a big night out which was great. We had a lovely spa day in the morning, and it was just great to be able to catch up, and take our minds off the hustle and bustle of work.

It was also my mums birthday on the 19th and I really wanted to spoil her. Me and my sister bought her a fitbit which she loved, and I took her to Slattery's, which is a lovely local patisserie. I invited my grandparents along on the morning of her birthday and it was just a joyous morning. That night we had managed to get tickets to go and see Take That on their tour in Manchester and it was amazing, and most importantly she had a fabulous time. 

This month I have felt as though work has definitely got in the way of life. I worked every weekend and I hate that feeling of missing out. I have lots of things to look forward to in June and a few weekends off! We have also had a hard month at work, but working in such a lovely team makes an enormous.

All in all I glad to see the back of May and I happy that June has arrived. Although, that means that we are half way through the year where the hell is 2017 going?!.

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