Sunday, 17 March 2019

Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show

As it was our first trip to Disneyland Paris, we wanted to do as much as we could. For Christmas I bought my sister and I tickets to Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show. This is a live action show with horses and buffaloes. I bought these tickets before we went and the pricing is in two brackets. They have tier 1 and tier 2. I bought tier 2 which were £57 each which at the time I thought was quite a lot, but I am really glad I treated us to them as we both had a great time. 

There are two show times one at 6.30pm and one at 9.30pm. I chose to go for the 6.30pm slot as I thought the later time was a little too late. When you book your tickets you don't get given your seats there and then, you get them on the day. From 5pm you can go and queue and get your tickets, obviously the earlier you get there the better seats you get given. In all honesty I don't think there are any 'bad' seats. The arena is quite small and you will definitely be able to see wherever you get sat as it is all tiered. I definitely would not pay £70 for the tier 1 tickets. We got there at 6pm and we were given tickets for the green zone, which was on the left hand side of the arena. You also get given a cowboy hat to wear which has the colour of your team around the rim.

Before the show starts there is a small bar area where you can get drinks. There is also a stage where there are some singers and dancers, and Goofy made a surprise appearance. The show started bang on 6.30pm. Within the ticket price it includes a three course tex mex meal. As soon as the show starts the food starts to come round on your table, when you sit down you have a bowl of nachos and cornbread. The first course is chilli. They also come round with beer, coca cola and water. The second course was a large chicken leg, sausage and potatoes. The food does come round at quite a speed whilst the show is on, but there were a lot of people to serve and it was a finely tuned military operation. The dessert was apple pie and vanilla ice cream which tasted great.

The show is child friendly and action packed with a simple story line. They get people up from the audience and it definitely gets the crowd going. The arena is split into four teams of different colours and they do some team based games which got quite competitive, with everyone taking their cowboy hats off and swinging them around depending on who won. The show also contains many much loved Disney characters included Mickey, Minnie and Goofy, and my new favourites Chip n Dale.

All in all, if you are going to Disneyland Paris and want a bit of an extra treat this was great fun. I wouldn't now book to go again as I think once you have seen it, there is no need to go again as I doubt the story line changes a great deal. I think £57 is a lot of money for the show, but it was feel good and we both had a great night.

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