Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Jewellery Collection and Storage

Recently I have been looking for a way to display my jewellery as I never really had any storage. I have tried to use jewellery boxes previously and I use them effectively for a week and then I give up and my jewellery ends up in the same state it was before. I was watching a video by Fleur De Force on her YouTube channel on her jewellery collection and storage recently, I loved the stands that she had recently bought and decided to have a nosy on the John Lewis website at the stands in more detail. 

I really love the style of these stands which come from the designer Lisbeth Dahl Poppy. This comes in a smaller size for £16.50 or the medium size which is the one I purchased for £20. So I popped into John Lewis recently and picked up the medium size, I really like that it has a vintage look to the stand. I especially like the design to the base and how it matches the ends and the top of the arms. There is one little negative to this stand, I have found it to be a little bit unsteady and the arms have wobbled a tiny bit as they are not fully secured into the main stand.

This is just a small amount of my jewellery which I have featured on the stand but I thought I would let you know what I have put on it. Starting from the left, I have a tie Thomas Sabo bracelet which has two charms attached to it which are an 18 and an anchor. I have three different Pandora bracelets which I have been collecting for about 3 years now. I have white single woven leather bracelet in pearl, I have a variety of beads and charms on this bracelet. The next Pandora bracelet is my original bracelet which I got as a present off my parents and this bracelet is completely full with charms and beads, its a really nice way to collect and build up your bracelets as family members buy me new things to put on it for birthdays and at Christmas. The final bracelet is my newest one which I got for Christmas 2013 off my parents again, it is one of the bangle styles. I think this is my favourite out of the three, I currently only have three beads and one charm on this one but I like the minimalist look so I don't think I am going to put too much more on it. To finish off this side of the stand I have two necklaces which I like to regularly wear. One is a long necklace with a black shark tooth which was from Primark, and the other is a orange and black statement necklace which I bought from Debenhams in the sales and I love it to really brighten an outfit as it is a real stand out piece. On the other side is two necklaces from New Look, I think New Look have some really good fashion jewellery pieces for really good prices and I always nip in whenever I am looking for something new. One features a collection of spikes and the other one is a real chunky chained necklace. Then I finally have my two watches on the stand, the first one is my Toy watch which I have had for ages, I think I got it for my 16th birthday and I still love to wear it. It is really good quality and it was expensive when it was bought, I really love the vibrant pink colour. The other pink watch is from Oasis, I bought this when my Toy watch broke and I had to send it abroad to be fixed so it took about two months to come back to me, so I bought this in the meanwhile. I actually do wear this on rotation with my Toy watch, as I like that its a more neutral pink colour and the fact that it is metal and not plastic. 

You can see featured at the bottom of the photos, a little dish which I absolutely adore. I picked this up from Debenhams in the sale last year, it is so lovely and has little butterflies all over the dish. I have now decluttered this dish and it is so much easier to find what I am looking for. I keep my rings and earrings in here and its so easy to find what I am looking for now. 

I hope you like all of my pieces and the way which I now store everything.


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