I have never actually stepped foot in to a SpaceNK.... I no its absolutely criminal.
I have just never had the need to go in before, I like luxury makeup but I usually just head to Selfridges. However, from all of this Christmas gift guide research my god have I found some beauty's on that site. There is one in Manchester which I have always seen but I have just never been in to. However, next time I am home I am putting it at the top of my list of things to do.
I think that my growing love for the place is due to all the lovely little Christmas gifts that they have on sale at the moment, you can literally buy presents for anyone of any taste in that heavenly shop. The little trinkets and sets that they have on sale are really reasonably priced and they are from well known brands that have good reputation for quality. Usually the prices are expensive every brand that they sell comes with a hefty price tag. Nars, Emma Hardie, Becca and Caudalie are just a few of the brands which they sell. I am excited to start dipping into these all these luxury's and see what all the fuss is really about. They also seem to have some really nice exclusives this year that other shops and company's just don't seem to have.
Oh and another bonus if you don't live in a city which has a SpaceNK there's free delivery online at the moment so there is no reason not to treat yourself or a loved one to something extra special.
All in all a lovely place to pick up some really special presents.
Saturday, 30 November 2013
Friday, 29 November 2013
Satin Bow
I explained in a post last week that I had popped into Superdrug and had a good gander at the new Collection products. I picked up the volume sensation lipstick in Satin Bow (13) and I have honestly been loving it. It's a lovely nude colour which is perfect for autumn. When applied it feels silky and smooth on the lips and the colour is instant with one application. I have however realised that I do have to top up it up if I want it to keep it's colour intensity. But I really think it's a little gem at the price of £2.99.
I think this colour would suit all skintones and is such a lovely natural looking lipstick. I'm definitely going to take advantage of the 3 for 2 offer which is on at Boots and Superdrug at the moment and pick up a few more shades to put to the taste.
All in all a very lovely lipstick that definitely gets my seal of approval, I love finding little gems like this!
Thursday, 28 November 2013
This Works Sleeping Products
Last year I went and stayed in a lovely hotel for a few days and I am one of those people who always checks out the miniatures that they leave in the bathroom.
I came across the this works sleeping little pack that was on offer. I didn't actually use it whilst I was in the hotel but I brought them home to try. I think I first used these during my exams last year when I was stressed with studying and was really struggling to get a good nights sleep. I seem to go through phrases of using them intensely and then not using them for a while. Well, I am currently in the middle of using them intensely - literally every night.
These miniatures came in a set with the deep calm pillow spray and breathe in, they are both 5ml. They spray smells like lavender and I'm not a massive fan of the smell of lavender but this really smells good on your pillow and really does help me to settle down. Breathe in is a product that you roll onto the pulse points and then your suppose to breathe deeply to help you unwind.
I've some how managed to use the pillow spray a lot more quickly, I guess I must get carried away when I'm spraying it across my pillows and I only have to tiniest bit left. I've already added the set called sleeping patterns to my Christmas list which basically consists of the spray and an oil which I am excited to try. I think I am going to have to repurchased these miniatures this week though to last my until Christmas and I can then use them when I am travelling.
All in all a brilliant brand with excellent products and there not to expensive and I definitely think they are value for money. If you struggle to settle down to sleep then I would 100% recommend you to try these, the brand also consists of other sleeping products which you might find useful.
You can buy the products in Boots and Space:NK. If you want to have a nosy online here is the link and you can also order of the site and it has free delivery at the moment: http://www.thisworks.com/?77tadunit=8a8f29e3&77tadvert=32502368193&77tentrytype=s&77tentry=22nov13.1&gclid=CPC-w86HgLsCFWmWtAodEB4AIQ
I came across the this works sleeping little pack that was on offer. I didn't actually use it whilst I was in the hotel but I brought them home to try. I think I first used these during my exams last year when I was stressed with studying and was really struggling to get a good nights sleep. I seem to go through phrases of using them intensely and then not using them for a while. Well, I am currently in the middle of using them intensely - literally every night.
These miniatures came in a set with the deep calm pillow spray and breathe in, they are both 5ml. They spray smells like lavender and I'm not a massive fan of the smell of lavender but this really smells good on your pillow and really does help me to settle down. Breathe in is a product that you roll onto the pulse points and then your suppose to breathe deeply to help you unwind.
I've some how managed to use the pillow spray a lot more quickly, I guess I must get carried away when I'm spraying it across my pillows and I only have to tiniest bit left. I've already added the set called sleeping patterns to my Christmas list which basically consists of the spray and an oil which I am excited to try. I think I am going to have to repurchased these miniatures this week though to last my until Christmas and I can then use them when I am travelling.
All in all a brilliant brand with excellent products and there not to expensive and I definitely think they are value for money. If you struggle to settle down to sleep then I would 100% recommend you to try these, the brand also consists of other sleeping products which you might find useful.
You can buy the products in Boots and Space:NK. If you want to have a nosy online here is the link and you can also order of the site and it has free delivery at the moment: http://www.thisworks.com/?77tadunit=8a8f29e3&77tadvert=32502368193&77tentrytype=s&77tentry=22nov13.1&gclid=CPC-w86HgLsCFWmWtAodEB4AIQ
Wednesday, 27 November 2013
Christmas Gift Guides are on there way...
The first Christmas Gift Guide is going to be published on Sunday because its the 1st December. Just thought I'd give you a heads up that since I put the first post up I've had a little change of plan in terms of the categories which they will be in just because I've found an easier way to put them together. I'm not going to say what they are because they will probably change as I'm going along. I'm just going to put them into an easier order but I can say that the post on Sunday will be stocking fillers and then each post will go from there I think there's still going to be four posts overall. I keep making a decision of what I want then two seconds later I've completely changed my mind! I'm just so indecisive so this probably isn't the best thing for me to be doing. It's all coming together very nicely though and hopefully you will like it, I've put a lot of time in finding the best presents for yous. I am really hoping you enjoy my finds and actually find the posts useful and spread it around the blogging world. Splitting it up into categories and costings will break each post up and I'm hoping it's the best way to this as I'm still new to the blogging business!
Okay best get on finishing Sunday's post I want it to be perfect.
Okay best get on finishing Sunday's post I want it to be perfect.
Tuesday, 26 November 2013
Lipstick Comparison - Candy Yum Yum & Fuschia Flash
A very exciting post for me I love finding lipstick matches!
I did the post on winning the Maybelline Mollie lipstick in Fuchsia Flash last week and how I was hoping that it was going to be a perfect match for my complexion. Well I put it on my lips and I actually thought that I had picked up my MAC Candy Yum Yum by accident. I am not kidding the colour is identical. I then further investigated and swatched them next to each other on my hand and I was shocked at actually how identical they were, it looked as if I had swatched the same lipstick next to each other.
Both lipsticks are that neon pink colour that was big over summer which was when I invested in Candy Yum Yum. I think Maybelline must of been wanting to dupe Candy Yum Yum when this was produced because I just can't get over how similar they are.
The top is Maybelline and the bottom is MAC.
The top is Maybelline and the bottom is MAC.
I find it funny when company's practically copy others when they have a successful shade. I obviously understand fully why they do it. However, I do think that it takes away the experimental factor of trying new lipsticks. The MAC lipstick was £15.00 and the Maybelline collection are advertised at a more affordable price of £7.19.
In terms of differences between the products. I haven't been wearing either very much because it's a very bright colour for the daytime and it's not really an autumn shade.The textures are similar - smooth on the lips. You can see from the picture the MAC lipstick is a matte lipstick and the Maybelline one has more of a sheen to it. I would wear these colours on nights out though to brighten up my outfits. I wore the Maybelline lipstick out for the first time last week and I thought it had good staying power and had really good intensity on the lips. All in all there is very minimal difference between the products.
Monday, 25 November 2013
Brush Collection
My Brush Collection:
I like to keep all my brushes in these two pretty flowery pots, I bought these from w h smiths in the stationery departments a few months ago. They were on about £3-4 each and they were also on 3 for 2 at the time. I think they look like a nice statement feature on my desk.
I like to keep all my brushes in these two pretty flowery pots, I bought these from w h smiths in the stationery departments a few months ago. They were on about £3-4 each and they were also on 3 for 2 at the time. I think they look like a nice statement feature on my desk.
I have a real variety of different brushes and a variety of difference brands and costs.
In the purple pot I have all of my face brushes which I use on a daily basis, I like to have a few different options when I am applying my base makeup. I have foundation, concealer, powder, highlighter and blusher brushes within this pot and it gives me such easy access as I can just grab and brush and start the application process.
In the blue pot I keep all of my eye brushes. I have eyeshadow, eyeliner and eyebrow brushes in here I definitely think having a variety of different brushes can certainly make application easier as well as creating different desired looks. My only high end eyeshadow brush is the MAC 217 and I use it every single day, it is hands down my favourite brush.
I am going to do a few more posts breaking down each of the pots and the exact content of them.
Happy Monday!
Sunday, 24 November 2013
Hemp Hand Protector Cream
Recently I've some how managed to develop dry skin across my hands particularly over my knuckles and its actually got a bit red and rashy and can be quite sore throughout the day. I've never had any kind of dryness or rashes on my hand so I surprised when it appeared and gradually got a little worse. So I popped to the Body Shop to ask them what they would recommend.
The bottles a little squashed as I opened it straight away and applied it before I had time to take a photo of it. However, all in all I think that it was quite a bargain and was surprised at the price. I got this as a set with the nail file and it was £6 in a little Christmas set. The tube is 30ml but it looks like it will last me a while and I didn't want to buy anything bigger in case this was no good for me and therefore would of been a waste of money.
A little definitely goes a long way in regards to this product, you all need a pea size blob to cover both hands. I do have a little proper with the lid thought, its really hard to get back on and doesn't just twist back on you have to sit there and fiddle with it until it gets exactly on the ridges which is a right pain. I bought this last weekend and it does seem to be helping with dehydration in my skin, but it seems to make my redness itch a little bit and it is 100% not clearing it up. I can't complain though as the products intensions is to rehydrate very dry skin.
Hopefully I will find out what is agitating my skin and they will be back to normal soon.
The bottles a little squashed as I opened it straight away and applied it before I had time to take a photo of it. However, all in all I think that it was quite a bargain and was surprised at the price. I got this as a set with the nail file and it was £6 in a little Christmas set. The tube is 30ml but it looks like it will last me a while and I didn't want to buy anything bigger in case this was no good for me and therefore would of been a waste of money.
A little definitely goes a long way in regards to this product, you all need a pea size blob to cover both hands. I do have a little proper with the lid thought, its really hard to get back on and doesn't just twist back on you have to sit there and fiddle with it until it gets exactly on the ridges which is a right pain. I bought this last weekend and it does seem to be helping with dehydration in my skin, but it seems to make my redness itch a little bit and it is 100% not clearing it up. I can't complain though as the products intensions is to rehydrate very dry skin.
Hopefully I will find out what is agitating my skin and they will be back to normal soon.
The Tartan Scarf Arrives
Yeahhh it's arrived!!!!
It comes in this lovely box I love it when company's make an effort with their packaging for customers it just adds that little bit of thought to the product especially when you pay for delivery aswell.
t came in this tissue paper all so nicely wrapped top score for presentation Zara!
Just look at the colours!!! It's sooooo lovely....
t came in this tissue paper all so nicely wrapped top score for presentation Zara!
I love the sticker that was used it all just looked so lovely and I didn't want to rip it whilst opening it, I don't know why but when it's so beautifully wrapped I'm so careful when I'm unwrapping it.
Just look at the colours!!! It's sooooo lovely....
The scarf lied out... You can see the two sides of the scarf the red tartan which is my fave and then the more subtle side where it is black and white tartan.
When posting this I've had the scarf 5 days it came really fast, had excellent service and the product is as amazing as I thought it was going to be. I love it when something you have wanted for so long on your dream list is as good in reality. It's so so warm in this freezing weather and I've been using it as a blanket on my bed as well. It was pricey at £19.99 but I already know it's a staple part to my autumn/winter wardrobe. I've worn it everyday since it arrived! That materials are so soft and cosy it can look a little big when it's wrapped round but I love that chunky look and most importantly it keeps you warm.
There's prove about the amazingness of this as well as I nipped in Topshop yesterday and the guy on the till said that his best friend has this scarf and she has also wanted it forever and the other girl on the till was like omg where's it from its so lush! I was just like ohhh Zara! It's just so in demand...
I hope I've convinced you all to buy the scarf, I don't think I've actually ever recommended a scarf in my life to anyone but I've been telling all my friends and sending pictures and there all completely in love too. Think I may be a little obsessed with it if I'm totally honest... On that note hope enjoy the rest of you weekend :)
Saturday, 23 November 2013
Saturday Post: Beauty Advent Calenders
Now when I was a child, an advent calender consisted of you going to the supermarket and choosing a calender of your choice with your favourite chocolate in it and it costing my mum about £3.
But it now seems, advent calenders come in many other ways to. As I read many blogs during my day I have come across many people investing in beauty advent calenders. So I decided to pop online and see what the the craze was about and how many are actually on the market. I choose the top five which I think are out there this year....
1. Boots Beauty - http://www.boots.com/en/Boots-Beauty-Advent-Calendar_1401928/
This calender is £30 and comes with brands such as Soap & Glory, Nails Inc, Paco Rabanne, Juicy Couture, Rimmel, Mavala and Umberto Giannini. It features a mixture of miniature and full sized products. At first glance, it looks like an interesting calendar, I think its great because you get so many different brands included. It would be brilliant for someone who likes to try different things before buying.
2. Ciate Mini Nail Lacquer - http://www.johnlewis.com/ciate-mini-nail-lacquer-advent-calendar-gift-set/p591610
This calender is £42 which I think is expensive at first glance. However, when I think about it you get 24 miniature nail varnishes which means they work out at £2 each. The calender contains nineteen of there bestselling mini Paint Pots, four textured manicure toppers from Caviar to Sequin and a surprise full size paint pot. So all in all for a nail varnish lover it would be perfect.
3. Selfridges - http://style.selfridges.com/whats-in/lancome-beauty-advent-calendar-launches-Selfridges
I think I'll start by saying the price tag - £84! It contains a selection of fragrances, make-up and skincare from some of the world's biggest beauty brands including Lancôme, Yves Saint Laurent, Kiehl's and Victor & Rolf. It has such a wide variety of iterms and if you add up everything that's in it some will say its a bargain! Everyone would love to receive one of these beautys. Unfortunately, they seem to be sold out online so I think you will only be able to get your hands on one if they have any left in the stores.
4. You Beauty - http://www.youbeautydiscovery.co.uk/you-advent-calendar/
This seems like excellent value for money all in all its £49.95 and the content of the calendar is worth over £240! It has products from Caudalie, ESPA, Dermalogica, Leighton Denny, Sisley and Stila . It seems to cater to those who love luxury skincare. I hadn't really heard about the website before I went on to look at the calender, but the calender is good value considering you get 24 minatures from all of the brands mentioned. This is different to the other beauty calenders on the market and the miniature skincare products would be great when travelling.
5. Benefit - http://www.benefitcosmetics.co.uk/product/view/countdown-to-love
This baby is £50, it contains a bevy of Benefit bestsellers and three glitzy little look goods which are a charm necklace & bracelet and an adorable barrette. There are miniatures of all of Benefits well known products such as Hoola, the porefessional, badgal lash and coralista. Its great for someone who's new to makeup and also to someone who's a Benefit lover. It is an ideal way to test products that you have been wanting to try before buying them in full size.
All in all.... The Boots calendar is the cheapest and I think its a really lovely collection of brands and products. I think it caters to everyone and is a really lovely early Christmas to someone. The Ciate Manicure is great for those who are massive varnish fans. Although, for me I don't know if I would like to end up with 24 nail varnishes it seems a bit excessive to me. I think that the Selfridges calendar would be my firm favourite if I was choosing. It just contains so many different products from so many different brands and I would love to try a lot of the products included in this set. If only it was cheaper and I wasn't such a poor student. The You Beauty calendar like I said before is perfect for someone who loves skincare, and contains all high end brands and is a brilliant way to test different products which you usually might not have due to the price tag. The Benefit one is excellent for those who love to try products from the same brand and may have been Benefit lovers for years or might be new to Benefit.
So will you be splashing out this year and spoiling yourself or your nearest and dearest, or will you be sticking to your average chocolate advent calendar?
1. Boots Beauty - http://www.boots.com/en/Boots-Beauty-Advent-Calendar_1401928/
This calender is £30 and comes with brands such as Soap & Glory, Nails Inc, Paco Rabanne, Juicy Couture, Rimmel, Mavala and Umberto Giannini. It features a mixture of miniature and full sized products. At first glance, it looks like an interesting calendar, I think its great because you get so many different brands included. It would be brilliant for someone who likes to try different things before buying.
2. Ciate Mini Nail Lacquer - http://www.johnlewis.com/ciate-mini-nail-lacquer-advent-calendar-gift-set/p591610
This calender is £42 which I think is expensive at first glance. However, when I think about it you get 24 miniature nail varnishes which means they work out at £2 each. The calender contains nineteen of there bestselling mini Paint Pots, four textured manicure toppers from Caviar to Sequin and a surprise full size paint pot. So all in all for a nail varnish lover it would be perfect.
3. Selfridges - http://style.selfridges.com/whats-in/lancome-beauty-advent-calendar-launches-Selfridges
I think I'll start by saying the price tag - £84! It contains a selection of fragrances, make-up and skincare from some of the world's biggest beauty brands including Lancôme, Yves Saint Laurent, Kiehl's and Victor & Rolf. It has such a wide variety of iterms and if you add up everything that's in it some will say its a bargain! Everyone would love to receive one of these beautys. Unfortunately, they seem to be sold out online so I think you will only be able to get your hands on one if they have any left in the stores.
4. You Beauty - http://www.youbeautydiscovery.co.uk/you-advent-calendar/
This seems like excellent value for money all in all its £49.95 and the content of the calendar is worth over £240! It has products from Caudalie, ESPA, Dermalogica, Leighton Denny, Sisley and Stila . It seems to cater to those who love luxury skincare. I hadn't really heard about the website before I went on to look at the calender, but the calender is good value considering you get 24 minatures from all of the brands mentioned. This is different to the other beauty calenders on the market and the miniature skincare products would be great when travelling.
5. Benefit - http://www.benefitcosmetics.co.uk/product/view/countdown-to-love
This baby is £50, it contains a bevy of Benefit bestsellers and three glitzy little look goods which are a charm necklace & bracelet and an adorable barrette. There are miniatures of all of Benefits well known products such as Hoola, the porefessional, badgal lash and coralista. Its great for someone who's new to makeup and also to someone who's a Benefit lover. It is an ideal way to test products that you have been wanting to try before buying them in full size.
All in all.... The Boots calendar is the cheapest and I think its a really lovely collection of brands and products. I think it caters to everyone and is a really lovely early Christmas to someone. The Ciate Manicure is great for those who are massive varnish fans. Although, for me I don't know if I would like to end up with 24 nail varnishes it seems a bit excessive to me. I think that the Selfridges calendar would be my firm favourite if I was choosing. It just contains so many different products from so many different brands and I would love to try a lot of the products included in this set. If only it was cheaper and I wasn't such a poor student. The You Beauty calendar like I said before is perfect for someone who loves skincare, and contains all high end brands and is a brilliant way to test different products which you usually might not have due to the price tag. The Benefit one is excellent for those who love to try products from the same brand and may have been Benefit lovers for years or might be new to Benefit.
So will you be splashing out this year and spoiling yourself or your nearest and dearest, or will you be sticking to your average chocolate advent calendar?
Friday, 22 November 2013
Dragging myself away from MAC... Not for long
I no, I no I said I wasn't going to buy any more MAC products as I was trying to spread my horizon. However, after doing my lipstick collection post I really realised that I am lacking another daytime lipstick to go alongside Syrup. As you head down the escalator in Selfridges MAC is slap bang right in front of you.
My sister is a fan so she dragged me in and I did my normal routine of swatching and came across to colours - Brave and A cup of coffee. I could not decide which one and by the end I was so indecisive, I asked the sales assistant and they said Brave would suit my complexion the best and it was lighter so was more of a daytime colour. It was a creme sheen which means it was £15. Although, I know I will wear it a lot and I am happy I went for this in the end.
I am very happy with my purchase and have been wearing it everyday since I bought it, so I could review it before I did this post. It's creamy as the name suggests and leaves a nice smooth feeling on the lips. I felt like the product lasted a while on the lips although I did top it up throughout out the day, but I do this with any lipstick whether it be £2 or £25.
I hope on the swatch you are to see the colour, its a nice dark nude with a slightly pinky tone added to it. I think its beautiful for the upcoming season and looks great as a statement lip. I will be able to wear it everyday and also to darken an outfit if I am heading out at night.
Hope you understand just why I was unable to drag myself away this time... next time I must be stronger!
Thursday, 21 November 2013
Lush Fairy Wand
I bought one of the magic wands from the Christmas collection at Lush, it smells like the snow fairy bath products.
I had really high hopes for it and the lady in the shop said it would last me 8-10 baths if you use it wisely. As I don't have a bath at uni I was looking forward to a nice hot bubbly bath back home.
The product looks amazing from first glance and I had real high expectations for it. However, I do not think it was worth the hype, it did create bubbles but I actually wasn't to keen on the smell. It wasn't that noticeable and was a little dull to me. I like exciting smells and this wasn't exciting at all to me.
The water was actually a slight pinky colour you can't actually see it on the picture but I hoped the colour would have been more vivid. The bath did however feel quite luxurious and my sister said I smelt nice when I got out so maybe it's just not a smell that I personally love. For the price which is £4.95 I think it has positives and negatives. To me personally I will use the product up but I won't be repurchasing next year, I was I had picked up something more exciting from the Christmas collection. Although I know a lot of people which adore this product but I wasn't a massive overall lover.
Have a lovely day!
Wednesday, 20 November 2013
Makeover of the Blog
You may have noticed after my nightmare with blogger yesterday, that I some how managed to fix it by changing it up and making the blog a lot more colourful. I got so excited with all the templates that are available and all the different options that I spent nearly an hour deciding what I wanted the blog to look like and I am very happy with the outcome.
There is so many options that you can do regarding colours, font size, font type, backgrounds and pictures. You can pretty much have it however you want it, I love this as its a personal blog you want it to reflect you and how you envisage you blog to be.
I love the new layout of the blog and I now don't have my battle with the words on different lines which was literally making me scream yesterday. It automatically applies all your settings when its post so no fiddling around every time you produce a new post. It gives consistency to your blog - you can probably tell I am excited! I went with a purple and pink theme as this reflects my favourite colours and being very girly.
You can now easily subscribe and follow me so you know when I've posted something new - there's a little tool down the right hand side that I've put in that says follow me, which I think is simple enough! And you can +1 my posts so you can pass them on to others if you want to and its all really easy to use.
So hands up to Blogger and I am now friends with you again!
There is so many options that you can do regarding colours, font size, font type, backgrounds and pictures. You can pretty much have it however you want it, I love this as its a personal blog you want it to reflect you and how you envisage you blog to be.
I love the new layout of the blog and I now don't have my battle with the words on different lines which was literally making me scream yesterday. It automatically applies all your settings when its post so no fiddling around every time you produce a new post. It gives consistency to your blog - you can probably tell I am excited! I went with a purple and pink theme as this reflects my favourite colours and being very girly.
You can now easily subscribe and follow me so you know when I've posted something new - there's a little tool down the right hand side that I've put in that says follow me, which I think is simple enough! And you can +1 my posts so you can pass them on to others if you want to and its all really easy to use.
So hands up to Blogger and I am now friends with you again!
Christmas Markets
I always say my favourite time of the year is summer it's my birthday, it's sunny, holiday and festival season. Just love it! However, I know this is cheating but I equally love Christmas.
The markets in Manchester are something of a tradition back home. Every year the German markets arrive and line streets and streets with stalls. They mostly sell food and drink but there's also gifts stalls. There's over 300 stalls and it you can spend an entire afternoon just looking round.
First stop was a hot chocolate with cream soo yummy!
This giant Santa sits in the centre of the city.
A traditional wooden windmill on top of a stall...
There's beer houses everywhere..
The stalls are so much fun and the gift stalls sell jewellery, clothes, crafts, traditional toys and there's quite a few soap and bath stalls which always interest me. I picked up a few bits which I might review over the next week.
I had such a lovely time and people travel for miles to come but there's so much to look at. The food is always amazing me and my sister always get the miniature pancakes which are so nice. We also got a chocolate covered marshmallow skewer which are also devine. There's so much food to choose from you just don't know where to begin. You think you have found something you fancy then you spot somewhere else that's also smelling amazing! You just want everything!
I'm definitely feeling festive now I know its early but it's gotta be done! My mum bought me a wooden Christmas tree for my uni room which I'm not allowed to out up until the 1st December! Only 2 weeks to go !
Tuesday, 19 November 2013
Nars Laguna Bronzer
As mentioned in the weekend post, I managed to browse the beauty hall without hitting MAC on the Friday, I instead headed to the Nars stand. Its a known fact that I've wanted the bronzer in laguna for literally 3 years, but could never bring myself to pay the hefty price tag. My mum however said, if its a product which I'm going to wear a lot then its worth while and she got it me for Christmas. My mum is fab! She told me I'm not allowed to touch it but I sneakily got a picture of the box....
Now I only have 35 sleeps until I can try this goddess for good actually on my face. I am expecting practically amazing things and I think my mum also is with the price tag - I said she can borrow it! I was going to get a combined palette but they have a lot less product in and I felt like I would just be getting It for the sake of it. So I decided to just stick with the bronzer, as you can its from Selfridges and was £26. I think this is a very hefty price tag but I know it will literally last me for years and I don't wear bronzer heavy just a light swipe over my cheekbones to give them a healthy glow. I do wear it more heavier in summer popping a dust all over the face but in winter I just stick to defining the underneath of the cheekbones. I swatched it on my hand when I was at the counter and its give a lovely high pigmented neutral bronzy colour with the tinniest bit of shimmer to add to the glow.
I am very excited that I finally have this and can not wait to try it. I was looking around at a lot of other Nars products and they have some very nice looking things. As I stated in my other post I am trying to venture away from MAC just a little bit and look into the wider beauty market. So I think this shows I was a successful, although it is kind of cheating considering how long I have wanted this for.
So I hope your having a good start to the week and if this bronzer is not already on your list for Christmas I suggest you add it!
Nightmare With Blogger
I did have a post today on my Nars Laguna Bronzer and I will be posting it as soon as I sort my Blogger out, it has decided that when I post posts to separate the words on to different lines so its not clear to read. I do not know how to sort it but I am in a rush this morning so I promise the review will be up later tonight once I try and work out what is going on I am sure its only just started happening. Its annoying my so much and I don't want to post something which is hard to read.
I hate computers.
P.s If anyone can help me please write me a comment on the bottom of the post thanks :)
I hate computers.
P.s If anyone can help me please write me a comment on the bottom of the post thanks :)
Monday, 18 November 2013
Naked Palette 3 Announcement
So I went online and started browsing about what other bloggers were saying and essentially what Urban Decay have announced and I am happy to say that its true the Naked Palette 3 is on its way. The advert says :
I love the idea of the colours all being rose neutrals, as the ad says you can sign up here to be notified to when it goes on sale ... http://www.urbandecay.com/udemail However this is all from the American website, and it only has American states listed so its not much use for us overseas. When I went on the British website it had no mention of it unfortunately. These kind of things usually get released in America way before they do in the UK, at the moment Urban Decay is sold in a quite a few retailers including Debenhams and House of Fraser.
It seems some bloggers have managed to get there hands on this palette somehow already. I think its officially realised in December in the States, meaning we will probably have to wait until spring 2014 for us to get it! Its all very exciting though as this has been a long time coming after the success of the first two palettes. The new palette will be $52 in the USA, I am guessing it will be the same price of £37 for the new palette as this is the price for the current naked palettes. It was interesting to discover that 52.00 USD = 32.51 GBP, meaning the cheekily don't equally charge us the same amount over here.
Overall, an exciting discovery and the collection looks like it contains some really beautiful colours:

I like how they still have a wide selection of different colours and still contains a few darker colours towards the end. The rosy tones will be perfect for spring and I like how there is still an equal amount of matte and glitter within the palette. I think this is right down my alley and I was going to get Naked 2 for Christmas but I think I might hold out and wait for this beauty to arrive on the scene. The 12 colours are all brand new which is very exciting and they look like they are going to give great pigmentation.
I can't wait for this to released over here, I am definitely going to get my hands on it as soon as it is available.
Christmas Gift Guide News
Over the next few weeks leading up to Christmas, I am going to put together a Christmas Gift Guide for all you beauty and fashion lovers. I am going to split it into categories which I think are going to be along the lines of - stocking fillers, under £10, £10-25, £25 and over. I think I will do a series over 2 weeks and I will probably post the first one on the 1st December or whenever I have everything ready. I've got my notebook ready and when I see something I'm scribbling it down as there's so much choice for presents out there this year.
I am going to do mostly gifts for girls but I will sneak a few bits in for the boys so they don't get left out. I am going to shop and search around for a variety of presents which I think I will suit a variety of different people and different ages. I will do my best to try and find presents that you can use for everyone as I have already found a few bits which I am definitely going to be popping in the guide.
This is all very exciting and is definitely getting me in the Christmas spirit!
I am going to do mostly gifts for girls but I will sneak a few bits in for the boys so they don't get left out. I am going to shop and search around for a variety of presents which I think I will suit a variety of different people and different ages. I will do my best to try and find presents that you can use for everyone as I have already found a few bits which I am definitely going to be popping in the guide.
This is all very exciting and is definitely getting me in the Christmas spirit!
Friday, 15 November 2013
Weekend Round Up
Well, my bank account is definitely feeling ill after this weekend.
On Thursday night when I got back my mum had booked for me, my sister, her and my nan to go and see Singin in the rain at the theatre I love musicals and it was sooo good! Had a lovely night!
We needed to refuel so headed to Pesto which if you haven't been is a tapas restaurant but it sells Italian food. The lunch menu meant you could choose any 3 meals of the menu for £7.95, and the waitress said most people get 3 meals each. Me and my mum shared the 6 between us, my god was it filling we literally could not eat it all the portions were bigger than we expected but it was really lovely food.
With more energy we trudged on and the Victoria Secrets store recently opened which is very exciting! As I wont be home again before Christmas my mum wanted to try and get lots of ideas of what to get me. But, I tried on a gorgeous zipped jacket in a burgundy colour and fell in love. Its from the Pink section of the store which if you don't know is the gym/casual section that goes alongside the Victoria Secrets brand. The sales assistant said they have literally been flying out the store the day they get the delivery of these particular style of jackets so my mum bought it and popped it away for Santa.
I then headed to the Disney Shop where I picked up a cute mug! I love finding nemo and I bought the Nemo mug last time I was home and I love it so much. So when I smashed my spare mug last week I thought it was the perfect opportunity to replace it with the matching Squirt mug so I now have the set. There £6 which I think is quite cheap for the Disney Shop.
The Christmas markets opened this weekend in the city centre and this was my only opportunity to go. So I went with my family and I think I went a little overboard on the pics but they always decorate it so lovely. This would be such a long post with all the pictures so I am going to a post later on this week with all my ins and out of the market! A sneaky photo though.....
I also ate out on Saturday we went to this lovely place called Panama Hattys.
That lovely Zara scarf I wanted is sold out. I went into the Trafford Centre store and they only had the green version left and the Manchester store was also sold out.
I had a little cry and then thought I'd just order it online - its out of stock. So I signed up to the email which informs you when the items back in stock. I only had to wait till about 2 o clock and the email arrived saying it was in stock. I hate hate hate having to pay for delivery but I wanted it so much I gave in and paid it because I knew it would sell out a again asap. So the scarfs on the way and should be with me in 3-5 days.
On Friday me and mum headed to the Trafford Centre but stopped off at our local Primark in town on the way. I picked up a few bits and bobs mostly cosy things to keep me warm at uni literally just pjs, scarf, hat and gloves.
Once at the Trafford Centre, we headed straight to Debenhams because my mum wanted to officially start her Christmas shop and wanted to get my dad aftershave.
They also had 20% off all Topshop where I got some lovely green tartan leggings and 30% off at Miss Selfridge where I purchased a white flower print top. In tomorrows post I am going to do a post on my Selfridges visit and my visit to the Nars counter so I will leave that one for tomorrows read!
Once at the Trafford Centre, we headed straight to Debenhams because my mum wanted to officially start her Christmas shop and wanted to get my dad aftershave.
They also had 20% off all Topshop where I got some lovely green tartan leggings and 30% off at Miss Selfridge where I purchased a white flower print top. In tomorrows post I am going to do a post on my Selfridges visit and my visit to the Nars counter so I will leave that one for tomorrows read!
We needed to refuel so headed to Pesto which if you haven't been is a tapas restaurant but it sells Italian food. The lunch menu meant you could choose any 3 meals of the menu for £7.95, and the waitress said most people get 3 meals each. Me and my mum shared the 6 between us, my god was it filling we literally could not eat it all the portions were bigger than we expected but it was really lovely food.
With more energy we trudged on and the Victoria Secrets store recently opened which is very exciting! As I wont be home again before Christmas my mum wanted to try and get lots of ideas of what to get me. But, I tried on a gorgeous zipped jacket in a burgundy colour and fell in love. Its from the Pink section of the store which if you don't know is the gym/casual section that goes alongside the Victoria Secrets brand. The sales assistant said they have literally been flying out the store the day they get the delivery of these particular style of jackets so my mum bought it and popped it away for Santa.
I then headed to the Disney Shop where I picked up a cute mug! I love finding nemo and I bought the Nemo mug last time I was home and I love it so much. So when I smashed my spare mug last week I thought it was the perfect opportunity to replace it with the matching Squirt mug so I now have the set. There £6 which I think is quite cheap for the Disney Shop.
The Christmas markets opened this weekend in the city centre and this was my only opportunity to go. So I went with my family and I think I went a little overboard on the pics but they always decorate it so lovely. This would be such a long post with all the pictures so I am going to a post later on this week with all my ins and out of the market! A sneaky photo though.....
I also ate out on Saturday we went to this lovely place called Panama Hattys.
Back to shopping ...
I popped into Selfridges as the beauty halls a little bigger in the Manchester store. And I no I said I wasn't going to buy any MAC however, my sister dragged me over and I fell in love with a new lipstick I'm going to do a review on it it was a cream sheen in brave it's lovely.
That lovely Zara scarf I wanted is sold out. I went into the Trafford Centre store and they only had the green version left and the Manchester store was also sold out.
I had a little cry and then thought I'd just order it online - its out of stock. So I signed up to the email which informs you when the items back in stock. I only had to wait till about 2 o clock and the email arrived saying it was in stock. I hate hate hate having to pay for delivery but I wanted it so much I gave in and paid it because I knew it would sell out a again asap. So the scarfs on the way and should be with me in 3-5 days.
I finished my last day at home with a lovely bath and tried out my new lush fairy wand before I watched strictly and headed to bed!
All round I had a lovely few days back home but now it's time to go back to reality I'm back in work today and back in uni tomorrow! Currently eating yesterday's buy from the market: white chocolate marshmallow stick, a very nutritious breakfast.
I now feel in the Christmas spirit though! There's going to be a few posts this week explaining things of this quick round up in much more detail which I hope you all enjoy! There's going to be posts on my first nars purchase, new mac lipstick, the markets and the lush fairy wand.
Enjoy your lazy Sunday :)
Saturday Post: Maybelline Mollie Lipstick
After I long hard day shopping yesterday, I came home to a parcel and as I am not living at home anymore I get all parcels sent to my uni address so I was even more excited when it arrived.
I opened it to see a lovely looking lipstick.. I had won one of the limited edition Mollie King lipsticks for Maybelline. Well I'll let you into a secret I love the Saturdays. I love the music, there style everything about them the girls they always just look so effortless but gorgeous. So unfair!
I wanted this lipstick after I read an interview in a magazine with Mollie about her collaboration of this year with Maybelline and London Fashion Week. I thought the lipstick was to be sold nationwide but it wasn't and it was just a limited product. So I popped online and entered the competition and boom the lipstick arrives a few weeks later. I had completely forgot I had even entered the competition until it arrived. Now, I have the worst luck with competitions I never win them, I think this is only the second competition I've ever won in my life. So I was very excited that I had actually won something.
I have just checked on the Maybelline website to check they haven't rereleased the colour but they unfortunately haven't. The colours from the color sensational line and it called Fuchsia Flash (902). Its a really lovely bright pink and is definitely a stand out lipstick. Mollie is fair and blonde just like me so hopefully it will match my complexion just as well. I swatched it straight away and to me I automatically thought Barbie pink. Its a middle tone bright pink with a very creamy finish which feels nice and soft on the lips. I also noticed it tastes and smells a bit coconuty and just feels like you have a lip balm on. The packaging is so girly and it has Mollies signature on the front which gives the product real authenticity. Overall, a really lovely product at first glance.
Within the color sensation collection there's 23 other colours from reds to pinks to purples to nudes. The collection does have a wide range of colours and I am definitely going to pick a few more of these up. You can have a look for yourself here: http://www.maybelline.co.uk/products/28/lips/lip-color/color-sensational-lipsticks/pleasure-me-red/547?shadeId=196
Hope everyone has a lovely weekend!
I opened it to see a lovely looking lipstick.. I had won one of the limited edition Mollie King lipsticks for Maybelline. Well I'll let you into a secret I love the Saturdays. I love the music, there style everything about them the girls they always just look so effortless but gorgeous. So unfair!
I wanted this lipstick after I read an interview in a magazine with Mollie about her collaboration of this year with Maybelline and London Fashion Week. I thought the lipstick was to be sold nationwide but it wasn't and it was just a limited product. So I popped online and entered the competition and boom the lipstick arrives a few weeks later. I had completely forgot I had even entered the competition until it arrived. Now, I have the worst luck with competitions I never win them, I think this is only the second competition I've ever won in my life. So I was very excited that I had actually won something.
I have just checked on the Maybelline website to check they haven't rereleased the colour but they unfortunately haven't. The colours from the color sensational line and it called Fuchsia Flash (902). Its a really lovely bright pink and is definitely a stand out lipstick. Mollie is fair and blonde just like me so hopefully it will match my complexion just as well. I swatched it straight away and to me I automatically thought Barbie pink. Its a middle tone bright pink with a very creamy finish which feels nice and soft on the lips. I also noticed it tastes and smells a bit coconuty and just feels like you have a lip balm on. The packaging is so girly and it has Mollies signature on the front which gives the product real authenticity. Overall, a really lovely product at first glance.
Within the color sensation collection there's 23 other colours from reds to pinks to purples to nudes. The collection does have a wide range of colours and I am definitely going to pick a few more of these up. You can have a look for yourself here: http://www.maybelline.co.uk/products/28/lips/lip-color/color-sensational-lipsticks/pleasure-me-red/547?shadeId=196
Hope everyone has a lovely weekend!
Barry M Gelly Nail Paints
My favourite nail polishes to have been brought out this year are most definitely the Barry M - Gelly Nail Paints:
Barry M most definitely come on top for me in terms of the best range and value for money nail varnishes. I have been a massive Barry M nail varnish lover for years but when this range appeared on the high street - I was literally blown away. These nail varnishes make your nails actually look like you have been for a gel manicure! I don't actually own any high end nail varnishes, all of them are drugstore as I think brands offer such good value for money and have huge collections meaning there's plenty of colours to choose from.
Not to talk about value for money either, the nail varnishes are only £3.99 and at the moment there is 3 for 2 offer on at both boots and superdrug on a wide range of cosmetics meaning they work out at just £2.66 per nail varnish which is an absolute bargain!
I currently own the colours: (from left to right)
- Blueberry
- Guava
- Greenberry
- Blood Orange
I have tried and tested these polishes many times and every time I have popped them on my nails it literally takes only one coat for a full finish and they last around 4-5 days before top ups are started to be needed.
There are 18 nail varnishes within the gelly collection creating a huge range for us beauty lovers to choose from! They have such a wide range and they have colours for every season and I've got my eye on dark green and blackberry for autumn and winter.
Here's a link so you can have a nosy at the entire range on offer: http://www.boots.com/en/Barry-M-Hi-Shine-Gel-Effect-Nail-Polish_1281299/
Ciao for now!
Thursday, 14 November 2013
What I took for my weekend back home
I'm heading home today for a long weekend away and I can't wait!
I've just packed my makeup and skincare bits so I'm going to share with you what I take and how I pack it. I do still have a lot of my stuff at home so I only take my essential everyday bits.
I've just packed my makeup and skincare bits so I'm going to share with you what I take and how I pack it. I do still have a lot of my stuff at home so I only take my essential everyday bits.
Skincare and miscellaneous:
- First things first I packed my new favourite daily scrub the daily clear morning energy skin brightening daily facial scrub. An essential for morning and night.
- My 100ml travel size Bioderma, is such a great little size for when your travelling and can just pop it in your bag with no fuss.
- My new handcream which I picked up in boots this week, I bought the 50ml size of the Botanics soothing hand cream. I've never had problems with dry hands but recently they seem to be getting really dehydrated so I have been slapping this on all the time.
- My toothbrush
- My comb
- My new essential moisturiser - the La Roche-Posay effaclar duo love love love it! apply morning and night without fail.
Extra bits:
- Barry M gelly paint in blood orange, what is currently on my nails.
- La Roche-Posay thermal spring water spray - lovely for a bit of a boost when your skin feels dehydrated.
- Impulse in temptation the smell is vanilla & peach and smells so so nice!
- Cotton pads - for when I apply and take off my makeup using my Bioderma.
- Urban Decay decslick makeup setting spray just to keep everything in place throughout the day.
- Bourjois happy light foundation. The bottle is glass but not too heavy and my new favourite.
- My concealer is benefit boi-ing. Hardly any left so will probably use up throughout the weekend.
- Rimmel stay matte powder - the best.
- Sleek blush in rose gold - nice small packaging aswell for travelling.
- MAC eyeshadow quad - literally use all of these everyday. The colours - woodwinked, satin taupe and naked lunch - the perfect eyeshadow combination for all looks. Its great this quad because it also has omega in it which is the perfect match for my eyebrows.
- Mascaras - I have to take two its just my daily routine! The Maxfactor clump defy waterproof for volume and the Rimmel glam eyes day 2 night for length. I completely love the combination of these.
- Last minute I added the MAC fluidline gel eyeliner just in case I go out at night and want a nice smokey eye look.
- Brushes - foundation, blush, powder, eyeliner and eyebrow.
So hope this has given you all some ideas of how to pack when you travel for weekends away.
Wednesday, 13 November 2013
New Collection Buys
Yesterday I popped into my local superdrug and I was surprised to find they had 3 for 2 on most cosmetics as boots has the same deal on and they usually don't have the deal on at the same time!

Anyway, I was having a look round and came across the collection stand which is huge and they had the new little mix collaboration range advertised as it's brand new to the store. I'm not a massive fan of little mix however there makeup does always look stunning so I was intrigued to see what was on offer. There also seemed to be some new bits added to the normal collection as well. I picked up two lipsticks one from the little mix range in Jesy which is a really nice red but it has an orange undertone to it. I have wanted the Rimmel lipstick in coral Britannia for ages so that is what I actually went in for, I swatched it on my hand and saw what a beautiful colour of neutral it was so I popped it in my basket. However, I headed over to the collection stand and started swatching, my best find was satin now (13) from the volume sensation collection. I'm not kidding it's literally identical and it's only 2.99 compared with rimmels price of £6.49. So I took the Rimmel one out the basket and made sure the collection one was in!
The little mix lipsticks are actually really nice I swatched them all Perries is a light purple colour, Jades is a strong nude and Leigh-Anne has a very strong red but i thought it would be to strong for my pale complexion. The range has mascaras, powders and a very nice bronze eyeshadow trio. In the future, I think I will be picking a few more items up from the line and it does like promising.
The little mix lipsticks are actually really nice I swatched them all Perries is a light purple colour, Jades is a strong nude and Leigh-Anne has a very strong red but i thought it would be to strong for my pale complexion. The range has mascaras, powders and a very nice bronze eyeshadow trio. In the future, I think I will be picking a few more items up from the line and it does like promising.
The final thing I picked up was a work the colour solo eyeshadow in rosy gold. The colour is different to anything I've seen before. I think it's an everyday eyeshadow and I'll be able to wear it a lot and it was only £2.19. Its a nice golden baked colour with a sparkly undertone.
So I got all three items on the 3 for 2 offer for a grand total of £5.98. Pretty decent deal I say. I've also so just realised the little mix lipstick is personalised for me as it has my initials on the top!
Happy shopping
Tuesday, 12 November 2013
My MAC Lipstick Collection
My MAC Lipstick Collection:
From Left to right:
(The picture starts with feel my pulse and goes down in ascending order)
I have swatched each lipstick to show a clearer image of each of the colours.
My ultimate favourite to wear is - vegas volt. This is my newest lipstick that I have bought and I honestly do not think I have bought a lipstick and worn it as much as I have worn this one. I absolutely LOVE it!!!
Whilst shopping in MAC, I don't know if anyone else has this issue but I seem to just get attracted to all the brightly coloured lipsticks. I always intend on buying an everyday neutral lipstick but I always come out with the complete opposite!
I do however have a real variety in the colours that I own, meaning I have a colour for every occasion and outfit!
I think my only proper everyday lipstick is syrup. This is a lovely warm neutral but it seems to have a slight undertone of purple when I apply it to my lips.
This is not to say I don't wear all my other MAC lipsticks - I do! There are many people that seem to have that MAC lipstick that they regret buying but I honesty don't. I have different outfits which I know I will wear everyone of this luscious products.
You can probably see how much I love pink toned lipsticks but they are my favourite!
I hope I've made you all want to buy a new lipstick to add to your collection so just in case you do ill leave a link so you can have a little look across the website ... http://www.selfridges.com/en/Beauty/Brand-rooms/Brands/MAC/Make-up/Lips/?brandname=MAC&cm_mmc=PPC-_-google-_-na-_-wonder+woman+mac&ic=54757&llc=sn&ppp=min&utm_medium=cpc
From Left to right:
Viva Glam Nicki - Satin
Candy Yum-Yum - Matte
Syrup - Lustre
Vegas Volt - Amplified
Impassioned - Amplified
Viva Glam Gaga - Lustre
Feel My Pulse - Cremesheen
(The picture starts with feel my pulse and goes down in ascending order)
I have swatched each lipstick to show a clearer image of each of the colours.
My ultimate favourite to wear is - vegas volt. This is my newest lipstick that I have bought and I honestly do not think I have bought a lipstick and worn it as much as I have worn this one. I absolutely LOVE it!!!
Whilst shopping in MAC, I don't know if anyone else has this issue but I seem to just get attracted to all the brightly coloured lipsticks. I always intend on buying an everyday neutral lipstick but I always come out with the complete opposite!
I do however have a real variety in the colours that I own, meaning I have a colour for every occasion and outfit!
I think my only proper everyday lipstick is syrup. This is a lovely warm neutral but it seems to have a slight undertone of purple when I apply it to my lips.
This is not to say I don't wear all my other MAC lipsticks - I do! There are many people that seem to have that MAC lipstick that they regret buying but I honesty don't. I have different outfits which I know I will wear everyone of this luscious products.
You can probably see how much I love pink toned lipsticks but they are my favourite!
I bought feel my pulse as in impulse buy as it was part of the 2013 temperature rising collection it is a magenta purple colour but unfortunately I don't think it was released in the normal cremesheen collection yet. It is a lovely purple though not to dark and not to light and it really shows on the lips. In terms of a match I don't think MAC has brought anything out yet that is the same shade. Candy yum yum was a colour I wanted forever, every time I'd go into the beauty hall I'd swatch it and walk away thinking when would I wear it but I actually wore it a lot in summer. Although, not as much now unless I want to brighten an outfit on a night out. Impassioned is a darker pink but it still has a brightness to it which clearly shows on the lips. I definitely went through a stage of buying lipsticks that I liked and didn't think about the amount of wear ability of them. This brings me to the viva glam lipsticks. As you can see from the picture I only have a tiny amount left of the lady gaga lipsticks and I have heard so many people saying the resemblance to the Rimmel London 006 Pink Blush and if you swatch them next to each other they are practically identical. The viva glam nicki is actually a real nice bright colour my mum always compared it to the colour of a highlighter but she always complements me when I have it on. Once again though in this recurring theme, the colour is vibrant and I don't think it is really a winter colour.
I don't know about anyone else but from doing this I've come to the conclusion that I need to update my lipsticks! All of my MAC except syrup are summery colours all pinks and brights. When I think of autumn I think of reds and berrys on the lips.
I hope I've made you all want to buy a new lipstick to add to your collection so just in case you do ill leave a link so you can have a little look across the website ... http://www.selfridges.com/en/Beauty/Brand-rooms/Brands/MAC/Make-up/Lips/?brandname=MAC&cm_mmc=PPC-_-google-_-na-_-wonder+woman+mac&ic=54757&llc=sn&ppp=min&utm_medium=cpc
Monday, 11 November 2013
I have to have this scarf...
Venturing away from beauty blogging for one second and just look at this ....
Okay you've had a second to look... How beautiful is this I'm not going to lie I saw the wonderful Lily Pebbles wearing the green version of this in her latest video and I think she did a blogpost on it. So I had a quick look online at what other beauty's Zara had to offer and I just clicked and zoomed on it immediately!
I've wanted a red tartan scarf every year in autumn and I've just never found one, but I think my search is now over.
This scarf is two toned though and I like how the other side of tartan is monochrome which simply means it will match everything when I'm have a bright girly day and when I'm having an all round head to toe dark day I can wear the red scarf to brighten everything up. Overall winner I say! This will be able to worn everyday during winter its definitely a winter staple and tartan is a central theme during the autumn/winter trend of 13/14.
Another thing I'm going to buy when I head home.. Another expensive weekend! Luckily I'm going home next weekend so all my wish list purchases including this are going to be snapped up. I'm just praying it's in stock when I get there.
Sunday, 10 November 2013
The true facts
I was reading my morning twitter feed a few weeks ago and started to read the Caroline Hirons post on her blog named 'When to Cleanse'. I once again stumbled across this post again this morning and it got me thinking. Heres the article if you want to have a read: http://www.carolinehirons.com/2013/10/when-to-cleanse.html
Unfortunately, I found myself thinking that I fall into the category of people that don't take there makeup off until they go to bed, as I see it as my nightly routine before I go to bed to remove, cleanse, tone and pop my moisturiser on.
As she states in the post though, I get home by 5 o clock most days meaning that when I go to bed at approximately 11 o clock that's 6 extra hours of makeup on my skin. That means to me that its 6 hours more of giving your skin less time to breathe.
So I'm going to take upon this challenge as she says 'I promise you - if you aren't doing this already, you will see immediate results from this one simple change'.
I don't have the best skin, so I am going to put this to test over a months period starting tonight and see if it actually makes a difference to my skin. As soon as I get in I am going to do my usually routine of taking my makeup off with my bioderma, washing my face with my new clean & clear daily scrub and then smothering my la roche-posay effeclar duo on. If you read my earlier post you will know I am currently testing out this product after all the wonderous reviews that I read about it. Heres a link if you haven't read the previous post:
So I am challenging everyone to do this and see if it makes a difference to your skin!
Get experimenting!
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