Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Christmas Gift Guides are on there way...

The first Christmas Gift Guide is going to be published on Sunday because its the 1st December. Just thought I'd give you a heads up that since I put the first post up I've had a little change of plan in terms of the categories which they will be in just because I've found an easier way to put them together. I'm not going to say what they are because they will probably change as I'm going along. I'm just going to put them into an easier order but I can say that the post on Sunday will be stocking fillers and then each post will go from there I think there's still going to be four posts overall. I keep making a decision of what I want then two seconds later I've completely changed my mind! I'm just so indecisive so this probably isn't the best thing for me to be doing. It's all coming together very nicely though and hopefully you will like it, I've put a lot of time in finding the best presents for yous. I am really hoping you enjoy my finds and actually find the posts useful and spread it around the blogging world. Splitting it up into categories and  costings will break each post up and I'm hoping it's the best way to this as I'm still new to the blogging business!

Okay best get on finishing Sunday's post I want it to be perfect.

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