Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Christmas Gift Guide: Unisex Presents For All

This Gift Guide covers everything that adds that little or big extra to someone's present. All of the presents in this guide are unisex - so you have ideas for everyone! All the pictures are girly but the actual content of the presents are relatable to anyone - hoping this will give you a few ideas and everyone enjoys reading through it....
Lime Basil & Mandarin Home Candle 200g1. When candle lovers think of candle brands Jo Malone is definitely what people think of. The home candles are the most well known I think as its the collection with the most selection. However, there is a hefty price tag - £39. These are actually the cheapest out of all the collections though, there's so many different scents and they come in groups: Citrus, Fruity, Light Floral, Floral, Spicy and Woody. There is 15 in this collection in total including a limited edition one. The candles also come in travel sizes which are £22 and I mentioned these in my stocking fillers guide. If your feeling extra generous you could dip into the more expensive collections which are: Luxury, Deluxe and Cologne Intense. I was shocked to see the luxury collection has price tags of £260!!! I think this is a ludicrous price for a candle and would definitely be sticking to the £39 candles this year. The scents are just so lovely and long lasting and I think its a really appreciative gift as people do though they are expensive. The home collection candles are 200g and have a burning time of 45 hours.
strawberries mid year pocket organiser 13-14 
2. Last year I received an organiser from Paperchase from my best friend at the time I was working a lot of hours and did never know where I needed to be and at what time. I always just went with what I thought but when I was trying to organise to do things with my friends I never knew when I was free. So when she bought me this I was a bit like what do I do with it I've never had a diary in my life! But oh my its been so useful, this one is £12 and includes 18 month mid-year pocket organiser for 2013 - 2014. It includes a decorative hanging tag, inside pocket with card holder and another pocket at the back and the most useful part a mid-year insert July 2013 to December 2014. Its just perfect for everyone male and female and once you've used the pages you can just buy inserts for the next year so its a present which someone can potentially use for years.

6 issues for only £9.993. A magazine subscription is another great present to someone. Everyone has there favourite magazine whether it be weekly gossip or the monthly's. Its just a great little present and its an easier than them having to go to the shops each week/month. As well as this is you always get a really good extra present for signing up to a subscription and with a bit of research, over the year you can save a lot of money. The great thing is your guaranteed that your going to get it on the release day. month after month and some magazines are really expensive these days. For example Elle is over £4 now and you can get a 6 month subscription for £9.99. Its a really good saving for the person and I think its a really appreciated gift.

4. Now, cosy pyjamas are a must for Christmas! A lot of people buy a pair themselves for the festive period with Christmas novelties and designs on them. But, for the new year its nice to have a nice pair of cosy pjs that you can snuggle in in winter and are extremely cosy. Primark have the most amazing range of pyjamas and there always thick and have cute designs on them and there about £8. If you want to splash out a little more as a present these ones in the picture are from Debenhams and are £25, there really lovely material and the designs are nice and simple but still colourful. On this theme a nice new pair of slippers are always appreciated as well!

5. If your really struggling with presents and can not think of anything to buy people then gift cards are a great alternative. Growing up my mum used to always buy them my cousins when they got a little older because she used to hate giving people money. She says that you know with a gift card they can get something they really want and you know your money hasn't gone to waste. Gift cards are good for anyone, any retail shop now sells gift cards so you can buy them for anyone of any age. Another great idea is vouchers like love2shop vouchers which you can use in many shops, so your not restricting the person to buying from one shop and they have a bit of variety and can shop round for something they really like.

Warm Grey (Grey) Grey Fairisle Bobble Hat and Mittens Set | 295044805 | New Look
6. In these upcoming winter months its going to get even more chilly than it already is unfortunately. That means one thing - the need to wrap up warm. I think an excellent present for men and women is buying them a new hat/gloves/scarf. This year I've bought my mum some really nice new pair of mittens which are fur lined and I think its a present that everyone appreciates its not necessarily that exciting or a present that is that out of the thought box. However, I think its a gift that I think that you know they will use. When I buy someone something I want them to be able to use it and not have it sat in a box not sure what to do with it.


M&S Collection Faux Snakeskin Design Purse7. Purses and wallets are another present which is an everyday essential and when people change up there wardrobes through the seasons people like to have a new purse/wallet. You are able to get them quite cheaply but you can also get more expensive ones which you know are going to last longer especially if its real leather and you know it will last. The only problem is they can be quite personal as in the design and what they like it to have inside it, but if its someone your close to have a nosy at there current one, if not ask someone who would know. Its better to get them something that there definitely going to like and has everything they need in it, than get them something you think that they might like and your unsure on it but get it anyway because they could like it.

Buy Tickets for We Will Rock You8. Theatre/concert tickets are also a good present if you buying for a couple and there's always some really good deals on around this time of year. Maybe they really like a particular singer or band and have really wanted to see them for a while but just haven't got round to buying them for themselves. Some people really enjoy going to the theatre I know my parents do and so do my grandparents. Its just a really thoughtful gift and there's so many productions on in the new year, you will definitely be able to find something that you think they will enjoy. Its a memorable occasion and they will remember that the gift was thoughtful and from you. If you and your friend really fancy going to see something you could pay for you both to go it will be a really nice night out for both of you and you get a bit of pleasure as well!

9. I am a person who loves to wear a watch, whereas my sister hates them. I always have mine on and I think a nice watch is a great Christmas present. It is a personal gift and everyone likes different things so you might have to do a bit of investigating and look at the jewellery which they always wear to get clues but it really does make a lovely Christmas present. It can be an easy present really, watches come in all price ranges you can get a basic watch with nothing fancy for a tenner but if you fancy spending a little bit more maybe getting it as a main present. You can get a top of the range one with all the fancy bits to it and one which is better quality and will probably last a lot longer. People like particular brands of watches and the watch market is huge so I can definitely guarantee you will find one which is perfect for a man or woman. I think men are more interested in the gadgets, meanwhile women are more interested in the designer and the colour! Doing a bit of research first fill definitely give you a heads up and make you decision a little easier.

10. This my seem a little boring for a present but I think buying someone a gadget for there computer/phone/ipod or  whatever piece of technology it is there is usually something you can buy to go along with it. I have heard about these juice boxes recently and was really intrigued by them. They are pretty pricey but especially with an iPhone they have such bad battery life especially for someone who's phone is essential for there daily work.  They are a rechargeable smart battery concealed inside of a low-profile, light-weight, soft-touch case which means that the phone won't run out of battery it virtually doubles your battery life. Even other bits for their gadgets like an new case, bag or earphones something which they wont necessary ask for but would appreciate.
Hope you have enjoyed this second post in my Christmas Gift Guide series. If you missed the first one where have you been! Heres the link in case you did to my blog so you can check it out and see everything else I've been up to as well..

21 sleeps to go!!!!!


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