Wednesday, 12 April 2017

What I ate in Prague

 This is the first post all about my recent trip to Prague. I thought I would do a what I ate post to tell you the ins and outs and places I recommend you visit to eat.

We had a late flight on our first day which was the Sunday so we had a meal in the airport before we flew out. On the Monday which was out first full day which we spent there we walked into the old town part of the capital. There was a huge Easter market which was on which had lots food stalls. I bought a huge crepe with strawberry jam which was delicious! One thing I was impressed which you will find throughout this post is how good value for money the food is. It is much cheaper than Britain. On the first night we ate in an Italian restaurant named  Green Tomato Italian which is located just off Vaclavski Namesti (near Sephora!). This was our first evening meal and we were surprised at how good value for money for the food was. It cost 170 (£5.50) Czech crown for spaghetti bolognese and 60 (£2) a cider. The exchange rate is currently 30 crown = £1. The food here was delicious and if you are in the area I would definitely suggest visiting.

On day 3 we ventured to Prague castle where they have outdoor markets. I had a lovely chicken skewer with vegetables and my mum had potatoes with ham and cheese. Even though this is one of the biggest attractions in the city the prices were very much still reasonable. I also had an amazing white chocolate covered waffle with smarties which was amazing! If you visit the castle I highly recommend you treat yourself to one as it was totally delicious and you can choose the different toppings yourself. We stopped for a drink in the afternoon at a little cafe just off the main square next to the palladium which was called Cacao where I had a strawberry ice tea. This was a lovely little cafe and they have outdoor heaters and blankets. On this night we were struggling to find somewhere to eat so we went in to the palladium shopping centre and found an Indian restaurant called Taste of India. The food here was okay nothing too special, and it was one of the most expensive meals.

On the Wednesday we headed to the zoo and once again the food was a good price. I had Chicken schnitzel and potatoes (which I forgot to photograph!). On this night I definitely had the best meal of the entire trip. We were staying in a place called Florenc and we decided to stay local and headed to a restaurant called Loco In. I had a local chicken dish which was lovely and you could choose your own sauce and potato option. It was also complemented with vegetables. It was seriously delicious and the chicken was the stand out part of the dish, it was cooked beautifully. My dad had the beef goulash and dumplings and he highly recommended it. The meals were about 200 crown each (£7), which we all thought was excellent value for money as we found throughout the holiday. If you are a wanting to try local cuisine which is mainly meaty dishes, this is somewhere I would definitely recommend. Me and my mum also shared a bottle of strawberry prosecco which was delightful.

Day 5 we headed towards the Jewish quarter side of the town. It was a particularly cold day so we headed to a coffee shop named Kafka Snob Food where I had a lovely hot chocolate which cost 75 crown (£2.50). As you can see I also managed to sneak in another trip to the crepe stall, this time sharing with my mum and we went simple with sugar and lemon. Every time me and my family head on a city break we always try and find a Hard Rock Cafe. It was such a treat and I really loved the swiss mushroom burger which I had, I was totally full afterwards. It is always an expensive place to eat wherever you go in the world, but the food was great as always. In the afternoon the temperature really dropped and it was really cold, we headed back to the Cacao cafe from the day before as we were just around the corner from it. My mum recommended the hot chocolate with cream, which she had loved the day before. It is made of pure chocolate melted down - very nice but very filling, and a little sickly! Due to the weather forecast being dull, we decided not to venture out too far so stuck within the Florenc area we found a little Italian called Rialto. My mushroom pasta dish was quite dry and lacking taste. I would not recommend visiting here, the food was nothing special and I think there are so many other places to go where there is a much higher quality of food and service.

On our last day we were around the Charles Bridge area and needed somewhere quick to eat before heading back to the hotel to get our cases. There was a little restaurant called Fatcat which we stumbled across and we were pretty desperate at this point as it was pouring with rain. We didn't quite realise until we got in that it was another burger joint. However with the rain being so bad we decided it would be a good hearty meal before heading back home. I somehow missed the photo opportunity, as I was so dam hungry!

We found that most of the restaurants in Prague were very similar as to what you get in the U.K which is a variety of different cuisines. I would say that their traditional cuisine is different types of meat with potatoes and vegetables, all coming in different styles and dishes. As a family we did not struggle to eat at all and very much enjoyed a lot of the meals which we ate. Keep you eyes peeled as this week I have a post coming all about the places which we visited in Prague, and another on Sunday all about writing travel posts as a newbie.

Have you been to Prague?


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