I did the post on winning the Maybelline Mollie lipstick in Fuchsia Flash last week and how I was hoping that it was going to be a perfect match for my complexion. Well I put it on my lips and I actually thought that I had picked up my MAC Candy Yum Yum by accident. I am not kidding the colour is identical. I then further investigated and swatched them next to each other on my hand and I was shocked at actually how identical they were, it looked as if I had swatched the same lipstick next to each other.
Both lipsticks are that neon pink colour that was big over summer which was when I invested in Candy Yum Yum. I think Maybelline must of been wanting to dupe Candy Yum Yum when this was produced because I just can't get over how similar they are.
The top is Maybelline and the bottom is MAC.
The top is Maybelline and the bottom is MAC.
I find it funny when company's practically copy others when they have a successful shade. I obviously understand fully why they do it. However, I do think that it takes away the experimental factor of trying new lipsticks. The MAC lipstick was £15.00 and the Maybelline collection are advertised at a more affordable price of £7.19.
In terms of differences between the products. I haven't been wearing either very much because it's a very bright colour for the daytime and it's not really an autumn shade.The textures are similar - smooth on the lips. You can see from the picture the MAC lipstick is a matte lipstick and the Maybelline one has more of a sheen to it. I would wear these colours on nights out though to brighten up my outfits. I wore the Maybelline lipstick out for the first time last week and I thought it had good staying power and had really good intensity on the lips. All in all there is very minimal difference between the products.