Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Benalmadena - Spain

I have serious holiday blues writing this on a cold and drizzly morning back in England. The first week of my Easter holidays, my parents booked us all a last minute holiday to Spain. We stayed in a resort called Benalmadena which is at the South of Spain and part of the Costa Del Sol. The hotel which we stayed in was called The Best Benalmadena. The weather was beautiful, not too hot as I burn very easy. Don't get me wrong I love a bit of sun but when it is blazing at midday and there is no shade, I have to retreat for a while. It was that lovely weather where you don't need a cardigan, and there is a constant cool breeze. We have never been on holiday abroad at the Easter break, we usually go somewhere within the UK. It was really nice getting away, and it gave me the much needed break which I needed from uni, before I go back and finish my last term of uni and my sign off placement. 

We went on lots of day trips such as Malaga, Cordoba and Gibraltar. I am going to go into more detail in posts later this week about the individual places that we visited, so I won't go into too much detail in this post. Where the hotel was located was right next to the beach which was great to wake up to. The town of Benalmadena was small itself, and we stayed at the top end so we was a little bit out of the town. One night we went down to the harbour and had a fabulous meal, which was amazing and I recommend visiting if you are to visit Benalmadena. The local bus service is excellent around this area of Spain, and it makes it so much easier to get around the area and adds to the excitement of going on holiday. We went to the local aquarium called Selwo Marina where they had dolphins, sea lions, penguins and lots of other animals. I love dolphins and I had a great day here, and if you have children or younger family members they are sure to love it. I thoroughly enjoyed my holiday, and this is a part of the world which I would go back to as there is so much more to explore and discover. 

If anyone has another other questions please feel free to leave them in the comments. 
My next question is where should my next holiday be?

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