Wednesday, 4 January 2017
The roundup for December
Hello 2017!
I am really excited for what 2017 is going to bring to me, but first it is time for one last roundup of December. I started these monthly roundups at the start of this year, and I have really enjoyed writing them throughout 2016. I would like to know if you have enjoyed reading them and if you would also me to continue writing them in 2017. So December... it was a bit of a weird one and it is really hard to think of some significant things which have happened. I've had a few nights out which have been fantastic, as it is my favourite thing to do when I have time off work. I also really enjoyed being able to afford to buy nice Christmas presents. It was my first year in which I was able to afford to buy good quality presents which I knew my family wanted. Last year I felt really deflated when I had a real lack of money, and I promised myself that in 2016 I would buy some beautiful presents. I love giving out nice presents and it made me so happy to see how much they appreciated what I had bought them.
In terms of my actual Christmas, must of it was spent at work. It was my first year as a staff nurse and I was prepared for the amount which I would be working, but I was really disheartened when I found out my shifts as they were pretty terrible. I mentioned this in my last post saying I was going to try my best to stay positive about it all and I did. I worked around my shifts fitting in where I could to socialise. Basically making the best out of a rubbish situation. On Christmas Day I worked in the morning until 2pm, we all brought in ingredients to make sausage, bacon and mushroom barms which was great and everyone at work is lovely so it was all heartfelt. When I got home my mum had prepared Christmas dinner which was as amazing as ever. We then all played games for a few hours which was great as we had all had a little too much M&S Buck's Fizz. All in all what got to me the most was the amount of time I spent in work, we split out shifts into earlies and lates instead of our usual 12.5 hour long days so that we would have more time at home. However, I felt like I never left the place as I was coming and going constantly, from Christmas Eve I had 2 days off between then and New Year's day. I am starting annual leave for a week on the 4th of January and I am so excited to have some down time as my mum and sister are still of work, and I have a trip to York planned.
In terms of plans for 2017, I haven't got too much planned yet. I am still deciding whether to do a goals for this upcoming year post, but I am excited as I want to do as much as possible and not say no. I definitely want to travel more and I don't need it to necessarily be some exotic island in the Maldives, it could be to see my friends who are now dotted around England after university.
Here's to a get 2017 - lets smash it!
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