Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Boxing Day Sales

Now after my Christmas Eve rant about the sales starting early. I was sad to find out even more sales started on actual Christmas Day, why are they doing this to us?! It's like you really want to browse the sales but then your like its Christmas why am I doing this?!!!!

So Boxing Day sales start today and I'm not going to lie I am going to face the sales nice and early with my sister this year. We're going to go early see what we find and then come home and spend the afternoon with the family. I actually think sales should start on the 27th but hey oh that's life! I think we will be doing shopping throughout this week as we have quite a few shopping places near us, so we can go to different places and browse round the sales. I think we're going to head to Selfridges first thing then see how that goes, then carry on with the search. We're planning to only be there was about 2 hours just to get a few bits! 

So are all you heading out bright and early for the sales? If I do pick up some bits I will do a haul at some point, but I've got quite a few posts coming this week before the new year but ill definitely squeeze it in before the end of next week! Happy shopping 😊


Sale shopping on Christmas Eve

 A very late night Christmas Eve post! With all the excitement of today and getting my new phone this morning I hadn't received any emails since first thing. I've had a lovely family day doing the traditional things that we always do on Christmas Eve which is go out for dinner and go to the cinema - we watched saving mr banks which was actually a brilliant film. Anyway, back to the point of the post when all my emails came through about an hour ago. I had about 20 emails and I'd say half of them were from retailers telling me there online sale was now on. I don't get why they start there sales so early, it's always been the tradition in the UK that sales start on Boxing Day, but now everything seems to be starting so much earlier. I did fall in to the trap however as I did have a quick nosy on Topshop. There sale started earlier today and I really wanted to get my hands on a few bits. Literally everything I wanted was already sold out or not in my size, and I just thought why am I getting stressed out on Christmas Eve over this. I therefore switched my computer off and started watching some youtubes channels just to relax. I just think it's a really shame that everyone's having to shop on Christmas Eve in order to get the real bargains it takes the fun off post Christmas shopping away so much. It's also true about the sales starting in stores early, I popped to my local town today just to exchange something that was faulty and sales were up already in some places it's just saddens me. I feel really old saying it but it's just takes the fun out of pre Christmas festivity, because if there's something you really want and you know it's going on sale, you now have to rush round before Christmas in order to get it. 

Well it's late now and my rant is over as I need to sleep as Santas on his way to me very soon.... I'm hoping!

Merry Christmas everyone 🎄😊


Merry Christmas

I would just like to wish everyone a very merry Christmas! I'm hoping that everyone worldwide is having a fantastic day. 
Christmas is such a wonderful time of the year and please make your day memorable as it's such a special time for everyone. I hope you have all been good and got everything off Santa that you wanted! 

I would like to thankyou for all your support since starting my blog and I hope you all have a very merry Christmas. 

Love Lucy 
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