Sunday, 12 March 2017

L'oreal infallible

The new L'Oreal infallible range has launched and I decided to try out the new line. I bought it last month when it very first hit stores, and the offer which I bought it on is currently still available. It is 3 for 2 across all L'Oreal products and you also get the sponge free when you purchase any 2 products from the line. I was a little bit dubious about trying this range as my skin is drier than it has ever been, and the matte aspect of the product made me a little bit scared that it would cling to every dry patch on my skin.

I am happy to report I have really been enjoyed using the Primer Matte Base (£7.99). It has a thick, gel like consistency which creates a really lovely base prior to makeup application. I find that I need 2-3 fingertips full for application across my entire face. It leaves a really lovely texture to the skin which is soft to touch. I agree with its claim that it smooths and minimises pores and shine. I was concerned regarding the matte aspect that it would dry my skin out even further, but it doesn't and I have used this with other foundations with more of a glow aspect and it is basically an all round primer which does it's job, I really like it. When it is on your fingers before application it can feel a little bit greasy but once applied to the skin it does not feel this way on the skin.

I have been putting off publishing this post because of the Total Cover Foundation (£7.99), and I have still not 100% come to a total conclusion. The good bits - it is definitely full coverage with one layer and it is also so buildable if you want to add a little more to problematic areas. The consistency is a mousse like texture, which I have not had in my collection for a long time and I have enjoyed having something different as an option as I usually go for thin, fluid consistencies like their True Match foundation or Nars Sheer Glow. It reminds me of those high school days of using the ever almighty Dream Matte Mousse! I once again found that I need more product than usual, but I think this is due to the consistency of the product and it not blending as far as fluid foundations. I always think this looks amazing when it is first applied but it does cling very slightly around my nose which I blend out as best as I can. This does cover and camouflage blemishes really well with just one application, there is no denying its total coverage status. I find instead of blending this in it works really well with more pushing it into the skin for a more flawless finish.

There are unfortunately a few downsides to this product. Firstly the shade range there are only 7 shades in the entire range, I chose the shade Light Sand which is the second lightest of the bunch after Porcelain. This matches my skin okay, I could have done with something with a more neutral undertone as it is a little too dark for me. Another downside, it's longevity as I say I am always super happy when I first apply it, but I do not agree with it 24 hours wear claim. I have sometimes looked at my skin in the mirror after 8 hours and noticed real wear throughout my t-zone where it has budged and it can sometimes look as though my pores have enlarged where it has soaked into it, but this is probably down to the matte finish. That is the main reason why I can't say whether I love or hate it, it has some great points and is definitely the most full coverage foundation out their on the high street market. For £7.99 if you want a matte finish foundation and you have normal or combination skin this would be great for you. However, if you have dry or problematic skin, this might cling to any dry patches as the day progresses so a good base is an essential.

I have a little story about the Fixing Mist (£7.99) and I have to say it isn't a good one. So the day after I purchased all of my new goodies, obviously I was wanting to put it all onto my face. I thought let's put it all to the test whilst I am at work for 12 hours. As the instructions say, I gave the bottle a good shake and then applied it to my face as I would with any fixing mist. I then quickly got ready for work and hurried downstairs. As I was literally about to step outside the door I caught my reflection in the mirror and saw my face was covered in white speckles. Considering it was 6am I actually thought for a few seconds it was deodrant as that was exactly what it looked like! I quickly rubbed it and realised it was the mist, as you could probably imagine I was not impressed. I had to get to work, but at every traffic light I was having to try and sort my makeup out in the mirror as my face was covered in splatters of white powder. I then got out the car and realised my shoes and uniform also was coated in white speckles.

I then asked on Twitter if anyone else had had these issues and I had a few responses. Someone said that I needed to give it a really good shake for at least 2 minutes - but who really has that time! Another blogger stated she had exactly the same problems as me and her mist had always sprayed bits of the formula out through the nozzle, she said she had also had a powder shower! You can see in the bottom of the bottle a thick layer of the white residue and this is obviously what sprays at you and unfortunately ends up everywhere. I swear for days I was finding bits of this on my mirror, makeup and carpet. I have not yet retried it because who wants to spend 20 minutes doing their makeup for it to be ruined in seconds. As you can probably tell I definitely do not recommend this.

This range from L'Oreal definitely has some hits and misses, and if you are wanting to try it I would recommend both the primer and foundation, but I would definitely stay clear of the primer.


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