Friday, 30 June 2017

Superdrug Solait Tan

It is that time of the year where summer is just around the corner, meaning the sunny weather is hopefully not far behind. When we had the little short-lived heatwave a few weekends ago, it coincided with a trip to Newcastle with my friends. The weather was scorching, and for the first time in months I decided it was time to get the fake tan out. I decided to put Superdrug's Solait's mousse express dark tan* to the test.

The instructions state to exfoliate the skin in the shower, and then apply the mousse to the skin. You then leave it on between 1-3 hours depending on how dark you want the tan, as the longer you leave it on the more it will develop. I left it on for about one and a half hours and then washed it off. I was left with a subtle tan, which was surprisingly even. I was a little dubious regarding the "dark" element of the tan, as I am fair skinned. That night before going out I wanted the tan to be a little darker so I then added another layer. I was super happy with how it applied over the top, and I used the mitt which I always do to try and get as equal coverage as possible. I was actually really happy with the tan and my friends also commented on how it was nice and not "too orange".

In the morning I reshowered and I could tell that a little bit of the tan had come off with the water contact. However, I think that this was actually a great move as the tan had settled and I was left with a natural looking tan which was not too over the top. It was not patchy or uneven and I was once again pleasantly surprised. I have had so many bad experiences with fake tan, with it being too dark, too orange, or it being patchy and blotchy. My friends asked me what I had used, as they thought it looked really lovely and natural.

I did not reapply the tan for about 3 days, but showered in between and I once again found that the tan did not just wash off, it stayed on and I had a glowing subtle tan. It is my birthday next weekend and I am definitely going to use this again. I am going to apply it the night before I am going out, and leave it on for the full 3 hours and see what a real difference it makes to the intensity. Fingers crossed it will be as good as my first experience. For £4.99, I think this new range of fake tan from Superdrug is a really great buy. It you prefer lotions or wash off tans they have quite a extensive collection of different types of tans in this range to suit person preferences.


*PR sample


Wednesday, 28 June 2017

June Favourites

I only realised when I came to write this month's post, that everything is very much budget friendly. I love to find high street products which turn out to be my everyday, go to favourites products. For the first time in a while I did not have to think about what has been my favourites, as everything featured in this post has had firm place in the top drawer of my beauty drawers.

I have featured Colourpop products many, many times over here on my blog. I think they are one of the best budget brands around, but I just wish it was a little bit easier to get hold of. This super shock shadow in muse has a metallic finish, which is my favourite finish as it blends really well avoiding creasing, it also never looks chunky and heavy. This colour is a beautiful red toned rose which looks gorgeous on the eyes.  For $5 if you are going to make a Colourpop order, I highly recommend you picking a few items up from their super shock shadow line.

The Seventeen stay time concealer has been a favourite of mine for a good few months now. It is a brilliant under eye concealer which does not crease, and it does have a great time limit before it starts to budge. It definitely brightens and blends well into the skin. If you are wanting a new concealer, I highly recommend this. I actually think that this is definitely as good, if not better than the must have collection concealer.

The Ordinary salicylic acid 2% solution has been a best seller since the brand landed on the scene. Salicylic acid is an ingredient known to exfoliate pores to help fight against blemishes and helps clear the skin. This product would generally be very expensive due to its ingredients, but The Ordinary have paved the way for creating products which have the best ingredients to target particular skincare issues, without the fancy packaging or brand name. This costs just £3.90, I have found that it has reduced the size of some of my blemishes taking away the redness and swelling.

I recently wrote an entire blog post dedicated to L'Oreal's new hydra genius moisturiser, which you can read all about here. I really, really, like this, and I do not say that often about many skincare products. It is light and refreshing on the skin when first applied. It adds instant hydration to the skin and it has thin, fluid consistency. Perfect for the hotter months when you want fresh and hydrated skin.

What have you been loving in June?


Sunday, 25 June 2017

MAC's perfect duo

Since I re organised my room and bought my beauty desk, I have been loving having my makeup all in one place and accessible. During this moving process, I found my MAC blush in the shade stereo rose. In 2013, it was a must have product amongst many bloggers. It was a cult classic in many peoples eye, and they took it off sale as it was a limited edition product. A year or so later in 2014, they re-released it and that was when I finally got my hands on it. I was so happy when it came and I truly loved this blush, I used it everyday for months. It was also the first marble effect product I owned, way before Hourglass was on the scene. Anyway, somewhere, somehow, it got lost and I faced the fact it was long gone. I was so happy when we were reunited and it literally has not left my face for the last 6 weeks. It has perfect coral tones running through it with a hint of  golden shimmer adding glow to my my cheeks. It is heavenly. I can't put my finger on what makes this so unique, but I own nothing like this. It is far from your average blush. 

I have talked quite a lot about the MAC highlighter in beaming blush as it is simply beautiful. It is the perfect partner to go with the blush as this also has pinky undertones to it. The combination of my cheekbones is stunning, and my friends always complement me when I wear the highlighter as it adds so much light and glow to my entire face. I think sometimes I may look a little disco ball esque, when I get carried away. I do not blog about cheek products often as I have not come across many which are standout products which I feel people need to know about. I am sorry to say the blush is limited edition and is currently not available, but the highlighter is and I highly recommend picking it up. 



Friday, 23 June 2017

LA Girl Foundation

I bought the LA Girl Pro coverage foundation a few months ago, and I have definitely put it through it paces. I have worn this during the day, at work for 13 hours, and on nights out.

Firstly, I really struggled even with the help from mr. google to find the right shade for my skin tone. I ended up choosing fair and it is definitely a shade or two too dark for my skin. There is definitely a lack of variety within their shade range, there is a total of 11. It is often the case that there is a lack of selection in the darker, deeper skin tones, whereas with this line their is only the shades fair and porcelain to represent the fairer and lighter colourings. There is no shades that cater to particular undertones which was frustrating as I have a pink undertone to my skin.

In terms of coverage this is a full coverage foundation, which I what I was wanting. It is hydrating, which is what I am always looking for as my skin is very dry. I do find that fluid foundations as a whole work better with drier skin. I have found that if you are not careful it can look a little cakey on your face, it definitely needs a really good blend into the skin. In terms of wear, this wears well for a good number of hours which I was happy about. I would compare this to MAC studio fix, but half the price.

This was my first introduction to LA Girl, and from what I have experienced I am impressed. For £11 it is a good value foundation which provides coverage and longevity. I am not sure if I would repurchase this, just as there are so many other great foundations available for me to try, and it takes a lot for me to repurchase a product. For example, Nars sheer glow is my holy grail because for me there is nothing better which I have tried which ticks all the boxes like this does. The foundation search continues..

Have you tried any products from LA Girl?


Friday, 16 June 2017

L'Oreal Hydra Genius

I saw this new L'Oreal Hydra Genius aloe water sitting on the shelves of Boots, and instantly picked it up.  I bought this at least over a month ago and I have been using it every morning religiously. My ever-so-trusty Kiehls moisturiser has been gathering dust, and put back on the skincare shelf.

It took me a while to choose which one to pick up as there are three different versions. I picked up the normal to combination as my skin can be very dry but also I have oily areas. There is also a normal to dry and dry and sensitive versions within the range.

My thoughts on this overall are very positive, I would give it a 8/10. It is a product which for the first time in a long time I thought I love this, and it actually does the job. It instantly feels cool and refreshing on the skin, which is delightful. It makes my skin feel hydrated. The texture is the stand out feature to this, it is so lightweight, a thin fluid consistency which is not sticky or greasy. The scent is nothing too overpowering, but I can definitely smell hints of the aloe coming through.

With this range they have taken inspiration from Asian skincare, which we all know is where our must have skincare products come from, and they are always one step ahead of everyone else. They say it is refreshing as water and as hydrating cream, and I think this is a fab description. I sometimes find that my main problem with moisturisers is that they are either too thick in consistency, or that it does not add the amount of moisture which my skin requires. It contains two main ingredients which is what L'Oreal are saying are the stand out factors to making this such a unique product. The first is pure aloe vera sap which contains essentials minerals, the second is hyaluronic acid which can hold 1,000 times its weight in water.

I use this every morning, on the packaging it says to use every morning and night alone or after your serum, and apply one pump to your face and neck. I really like the pump feature, but I feel like I definitely need at least 3-4 pumps just for my face. The pump does not give you a lot of product, which is great as you don't end up wasting ever, however this is the reason that I need a few pumps to cover my entire face.

Lastly, the packaging is simply gorgeous. I love the blue bottle and the metallic lid, it is a very simple design which is eye-catching. The bottle is glass, so is quite heavy meaning it is not going to be great for travelling. This is currently still on an introductory offer in Boots for £6.66 which is such great value. It is going to be £9.99 full price, which is still a bargain. For the first time in ages, I can say if you are wanting a new refreshing, light, cooling moisturiser for the summer to get your skin hydrated - give this a go.


Sunday, 11 June 2017

Losing love for blogging

I have never before felt so demotivated to blog in my life ever. I started my blog well over three and a half years ago, as I was intrigued into what the blogging world had to offer. I was so excited and I remember doing my first blog post confused as to what I had just done, but then at the same time I was bursting with excitement. I thought you had to blog everyday, I thought that was how it worked! I quickly got myself into a schedule and have pretty much stuck with it ever since.

In 2017, I have definitely got into writing more and more lifestyle posts which I have really been loving. However, I feel like most of them have been regarding the blogging community. Just recently I wrote a post called called is blogging dead?. This was sparked by that cosmo interview which questions the reliability and over saturation of what the blogging community now is. I feel like there has been a lot of negativity recently, and I'm really not enjoying it. I love how passionate people feel about blogging, and discussions about other relevant topics. However, sometimes I log on and see some comments and discussions and I often think do I really want to still be a part of this. I feel like I have been getting these vibes for a while off a few of my fave bloggers who are feeling similar. I've seen a few saying they are slowing down with Instagram due to a lack of engagement. I have never done well in Instagram and one of my 2017 goals was to try harder with it and I have done and have seen a very slight increase in followers. It isn't all about followers for me, it really isn't. But, it can be disheartening and you can find yourself loosing the enthusiasm you once had, when you hard work is not slightly paying off.

I started my blog in my first year of uni and in my last year when I seriously struggling to juggle everything I felt like packing it in for good. I was so gutted and felt incredibly disappointed in myself at missing posts. I was putting out content because I felt I had to, rather than because I wanted to. I was determined not go off my schedule. I have been working full time now for 9 months and I thought with my shifts I would have so much more time to blog. That simply hasn't been the case. I am really struggling to motivate myself. I have done posts previously on how to get back on your game when your struggling, but this time I'm not sure whether I am done for good. I hate to write that but I am just not feeling it at the moment. I think instead of having such a structured schedule, going forward for the moment I am going to just blog as and when I want and see how I go. I don't want to force myself to have to pump out content. I have found myself waking up thinking yes I'll blog today and on these days (which have been few and far between), I have reignited my love for blogging. But these days haven't been happening very much. I had a good old think as to why I was feeling like this but I just can't pin point the problem. Maybe it's negativity online, maybe it's the lack of engagement, maybe my love for blogging has simply gone. Who knows? But that's for me to find out.

I am really hoping I find the spark within me again which has written over 480 posts over the years.. I don't want to just pack it in and not give myself the chance. I know I have to give it a few months and then decide whether I will continue to blog or pack it in for good. If anyone has been feeling like this themselves please let me know. I think I am going to try and find a new style to my posts and pictures and I think maybe branching out from beauty a little more may help. I am going to be easy going with it and see if this is what I am needed.


Friday, 9 June 2017

The roundup for May

I have been wanting to include some kind of dedication to all of the victims, friends and families of the Manchester attack, but I have not been sure the best way to go about it. As I write this today is my first day back writing blog posts. The events which occurred are absolutely horrific and unimaginable. I am just so happy that the city which I live in, has come together and managed to provide help and raise an amazing amount of funds for everyone involved. I also want to send love to everyone also involved in the London attacks. I am toying with the idea of getting a bee tattoo, as you know probably know I am an a&e nurse and I was actually on shift the night the Manchester attack took place, therefore we got patients in needing treatment. I think it would be amazing to get a tattoo representing the unity and community which has been demonstrated. I have never been over amored with wanting a tattoo, so I am still deciding if I definitely want it or not.

I feel like May has become a bit of a blur due to the tragic events. However, the start of the month was great on the 2nd May I went to see Bruno Mars, and he was incredible - he definitely puts on a show. I went to Nottingham on a trip with my uni friends and it was fabulous. We started in the Hilton hotel and went for a big night out which was great. We had a lovely spa day in the morning, and it was just great to be able to catch up, and take our minds off the hustle and bustle of work.

It was also my mums birthday on the 19th and I really wanted to spoil her. Me and my sister bought her a fitbit which she loved, and I took her to Slattery's, which is a lovely local patisserie. I invited my grandparents along on the morning of her birthday and it was just a joyous morning. That night we had managed to get tickets to go and see Take That on their tour in Manchester and it was amazing, and most importantly she had a fabulous time. 

This month I have felt as though work has definitely got in the way of life. I worked every weekend and I hate that feeling of missing out. I have lots of things to look forward to in June and a few weekends off! We have also had a hard month at work, but working in such a lovely team makes an enormous.

All in all I glad to see the back of May and I happy that June has arrived. Although, that means that we are half way through the year where the hell is 2017 going?!.

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