Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Collection Illuminating & Reviving Eye Primer

I am such a bad beauty blogger as a few weeks ago I discovered that I don't have any eyelid primers. I don't know whether they have got lost along the way or what, but I actually can't remember actually ever buying one. Whilst having the usual weekly wander around Boots, I saw that Collection had released a new primer called the Collection Illuminating & Reviving Eye Primer. When I swatched this from the sample it felt really silky soft and light. It seemed like such great value for just £4 so it ended up in my basket and at the tills. I find that Collection are really hit and miss with their products, they have some really exceptional items and some really bad ones also. But this I have to stay I think it going to be hit. 

Like I first thought this feels super light and is really soft and smooth when applied to my eyelids. It does not feel heavy and the formula is not too thick. I also find that it is hydrating and acts as a good base before applying my eyeshadows. I always manage to put my makeup to the longevity test as it on my face for up to 15 hours some days. I used this underneath my MAC, Makeup Geek and Charlotte Tilbury shadows and it proved to be a hit with them all. I don't feel as though it is effective for all of those hours, but it doesn't claim to which is fair enough.

I was in two minds about how good this was going to be. I am pleasantly surprised to say that is a pretty decent eyeshadow primer. I have nothing to compare it too as I've already said, but I think that this would be good on many people's eyelids especially if they are a little dry or you just need a light hydrating base.

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