Sunday, 21 February 2016

Step into #LushSpring



I was lucky enough to be asked to attend a blogging event at Lush in Carlisle on Friday night to launch Lush's new Spring range. This included ranges from Mother's Day and Easter. I had a fantastic time and learnt so much. The girls in the store were so lovely and explained everything in full depth. The Easter range is truly beautiful and I wanted everything on the display.

Lush has brought out a lovely line of gifts for Mother's Day this year. The Ladybird bubble bar was something which I wanted to love so much as it is so cute, but I found the peppermint scent a little off putting. However, if this is something which you like or your mum would like then this is definitely for you! The Flowering Tea is such a cool idea as you just dunk it in under the tap like you would with a teabag, but can reuse it many times. The Rose Bombshell contains rose oil, rose absolute and rose petals and it is the bath bomb for you if this is your favourite scent.

The Easter line has so many parts to it this year, which includes some rather exciting new releases. The Golden Egg is the ultimate Easter gift a golden egg with gold glitter covered in it, what more could you want? It is a bath melt containing orange oil and cocoa butter, and smells sensational. The most intriguing products from the collection are the Humpty Dumpty and Which Came First? bath bombs. I was surprised when I first saw the price of £6.95, and then the Lush girls explained to us how to use these new exclusives. You basically smash the egg into two and inside is another little bath bomb. In Humpty Dumpty is you get a fried egg, and in Which Came First? a little chicken. Therefore you end up we three baths worth of bath bombs once its smashed which is rather exciting, and such an innovative idea. Another bath bomb within the collection is the Fluffy Egg, if you are a fan of the sweet scent of Snow Fairy then you will love this as it is the same scent used. Ultraviolet is not my ultimate fave as I am not a huge fan of violet and jasmine scents, but that being said I can imagine this to be so relaxing and bubble bars are great as you just crumble the amount that you need under the tap so you don't end up with any waste. The Bunch of Carrots are my favourite product from the Easter line. They explained that they have decided to use three different colours this year to mix it up and allow you to be more creative. At the event they dipped all three carrots under the running water in one go and it made the most amazing colours, the oils inside are lemon and grapefruit and smelt truly divine. The first thing which comes to mind where you see Somewhere Over the Rainbow is that it looks sensational. They have done such a great job with this, and how amazing would it look in your bathroom for when guests visit. It contains mandarin and rose oil to keep your skin feeling fresh and fragrant.

They had only put their Easter stock out on Friday morning and the Bouncy Bunny Shower Jelly has already sold out, proving it is going to be a must have from the line. I am not surprised though, this is super cute and the scent is citrus and contains mandarin oils which are refreshing on the skin. They have brought out a few different gift sets for Easter which are super cute, and great if you want to check out a few different products from the line. My favourite is Bouncy Bunny as it contains an exclusive bath bomb called Spring Bunny, the Bouncy Bunny shower jelly, Somewhere over the Rainbow soap and Brightside bubble bar.

We were given the opportunity to make our own Angels of Bare Skin which I had never previously tried out. When we was shown how to use the product I was surprised at how little you actually need. You need a grape size at the most, and you lather it into your hands to produce a smooth cleanser. It contains kaoilin to draw out grease and dirt and rose absolute to help calm the skin. I am very excited to try this as it seemed to be a favourite amongst staff and other bloggers. We were also kindly allowed to make our own Creamy Candy bubble bar, which was super exciting and I choose a simple heart design. This is super softening and gives out more moisture than other bubble bars as it has a blend cocoa and almond butter within it.

Have you or are you planning on picking up anything from Lush's newest launch?


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