Sunday, 19 January 2014

Late Night Online Shopping at the Body Shop

I have been wanting to make a body shop order for a while and i finally made one tonight! I wanted to do this post tonight as the offers finishing tomorrow, so it stills gives you a chance to get shopping and grab the bargains yourself. 

It is 40% off everything including sale products and free delivery when you spend over £5. I spent just £6.90 in products and got a ridiculous amount for my money.

The things which I ordered were: 
Vitamin C microdermabrasion sachet - £0.90
Vitamin E sink in moisture mask sachet - £0.90
Rainforest volumising shampoo - £1.20
Rainforest volumising conditioner - £1.20
Muslin cloth - £1.50
Vanilla bliss hand cream - £1.20 

It's just 3-5 days delivery and I'm so excited for the delivery to arrive. I will do a review once I've tried and tested the products and have decided what my opinion on them. 

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