Sunday, 28 May 2017

Is blogging dead?

This week for the first time in 3 and a half years since starting my blog, I have taken a full week off blogging mainly due to really just not wanting to post. Tonight for the first time all week I have felt inspired to blog, and then I stumbled across an article online by a blogger in Cosmopolitan which really got my thinking.

The blogging community has had its fair share of negativity recently, there are no doubts. I blog for a hobby and so does thousands of other bloggers. For some of us it isn’t all about making money. So many people have blogs for a hobby and it's not about it being 'saturated with those wanting freebies and money'. For me, my day to day job couldn't be further apart from blogging, but that's what I like a different outlet for me to channel and talk about things I love in a community which I am proud to be part of.

This got me thinking is the blogging world really dead? Is everyone really a blogger these days? I don't know how many thousands of bloggers there are out there probably millions if I think about it, but is that such a negative thing? Is there really no space left for any bloggers in this industry? These are the questions which I have never really thought about. Since the end of 2013 when I was welcomed into the blogosphere, I have loved pretty much 99% of my experience blogging. I came into it open minded and not a clue what to do. I loved reading blogs and seeing what everyone was buying and being introduced into an online community. 

However, how many of your favourite bloggers who you were reading when you first started out are still blogging regularly now? So many of the 'bigger' bloggers who I was reading when I first started now only post monthly, if ever. They have moved on to bigger and better, to the places which are YouTube and Instagram. Maybe blogging is really dying then. A few months ago the whole fiasco with a fake tanning company saying that bloggers are no longer reliable. I think some blogger are unfortunately in it for the freebies, but I think this is mainly newbie’s who are seeing lots of #ads all over social media, and want a piece of the action too. This is until they start and realise, shit this really isn't that easy. Now I am all for making money and receiving freebies from brands. So many of us work our socks off and why shouldn't we receive a nice fancy press release package everyone once in a while when you have promoted their brand for free tirelessly. But, the difference is many of us don't expect it. We are really excited and proud when we get approached that a brand wants to collaborate or send us something. 

I know it must be frustrating for bloggers when others are copying your exact style and photos. Its true there is no individuality in that. Maybe they are aspiring to be like others, but are going about it the very wrong way. That's what I love about blogging and all social media outlets seeing someone's individuality within their posts. I love stumbling across new blogs and Instagram feeds who have beautiful photos. 

The Instagram bots fiasco recently has also not helped the blogging community, when people are buying fake followers. You can't help but understand why people are when you've got reality TV stars buying followers. I think bloggers are so much more authentic and still a reliable source for people to turn too. That's what people want, to read something whether it be a new beauty product which they have wanted to try, or an outfit which you think wow I would never of put that together. It's from someone who is similar to them, it's relatable. I am included in chats with some brilliant bloggers who share similar views. We are here to blog, to maybe escape something. Just tonight my Instagram chat we have all been spreading love and it's just so nice to have people to talk to who blog too.

Everyone started with their own blog and those who have made it in to careers may not want to blog anymore, that's their choice but maybe they aren't part of the community anymore. However, the blogging community is very much alive. You are always going to have those who faking, cheating and trolling, bringing a bad name to the community. Just writing this post I've come to the conclusion the blogging community is very much still alive, and I for one will continue blogging. 


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