Since their launch I have been using both of the L'Oreal pure clay detox and purity washes which are currently on offer for £3.99. I was pondering in Superdrug deciding which one to buy so I decided to go with both. This also come in a glow version which aims to cleanse and brighten any dull areas of your face, this has a scrub texture rather than a gel. They originally came out with the purity clay line in mask form a few months ago and they went down a storm. Using the same concept they have now brought the original three types but in daily facial washes.
The purity wash aims to cleanse, purify and mattify, I like this for helping to eliminate impurities and excess oils which ultimately results in a reduction of any visible shine throughout the T-zone. The detox wash cleanses, clarifies and detoxifies the skin, the charcoal element of this drawers out impurities from deep within the skin cells. Both of these have a gel cream texture which is quite thick, the charcoal one is slightly thicker and stickier. I feel as though they both work really well and do exactly what they say.
I use the purifying one when my skin is looking shiny and I can see excess oils throughout my T-zone, this is great for combination and oily skin types. I then use the charcoal one when I feel as though my pores could do with a thorough cleanse. I tend for some reason to use them in the shower which is usually at nighttime, as I love that feeling of going to bed when your skin feels fresh and decongested. I use whichever one I feel as though my skin will benefit from at the time. I also use them together if needed. L'Oreal have done exceptionally well with this line, and it has gone down so well due to the advertising within the campaign. They have a simple message that different areas of your skin needs a different type of attention. They are trying to state that one miracle multifunctional product is not going to solve everyone's individual problems with their skin. So for me I often need to add moisture to areas which is usually where my skin is most congested (the detox wash), but then I also have a oily T-zone which I want to mattify (the purity wash). Therefore, you can buy either, one, two or all three of the washes and use them daily on the areas which need specific help.
For the price they are great as you get 150ml of product which I think is brilliant as it will last a good few months. The product is advertised to be used a daily wash as oppose to the masks which are as and when you feel. I really enjoy and still use the masks every so often for a total full cleanse as they settle and dry into a hardened mask, whereas the daily washes do not. If you enjoyed using the masks I think you will also like the daily washes. If you have never tried either of these products then I really do suggest you pick them up as they are great products and L'Oreal has done a fantastic job.