Monday, 21 December 2015

Am I Mad for Boxing Day Shopping?

Last year me and my sister got to the Trafford Centre for 7.30am. Yes that is early, but I am going to explain why it a great thing to do. We always have family round on the afternoon of Boxing Day, so we have previously not been able to go shopping in the sales. But last year we decided to test it out, and be one of those 'mad' people. However, it was brilliant. We got there, was able to easily park, and was able to get all of our shopping done by 9.30/10am. We were home by 10.30am, with everything we wanted in tow. It was busy, but not over the top, and we missed the rush which started at about 10am. We had made a plan of everything we wanted, and which shops we wanted to go in. I would really recommend this as you don't end up wandering round, and also it keeps you on track to only get what you intended to. I didn't go over the top with what I bought, but I did have some things which I really wanted to get. My favourite sale shops are Topshop, Selfridge's, Zara and Lush. They all do really excellent sales, and their stock is always 50% off. This early shopping trip stops all the traffic queues, driving round and round looking for a parking space, and also online shopping all day. It also means we make it back home early, to help my mum prepare for the Boxing Day Christmas party at our house!

Am I crazy, or are a morning shopper like me?

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