Sunday, 28 May 2017

Is blogging dead?

This week for the first time in 3 and a half years since starting my blog, I have taken a full week off blogging mainly due to really just not wanting to post. Tonight for the first time all week I have felt inspired to blog, and then I stumbled across an article online by a blogger in Cosmopolitan which really got my thinking.

The blogging community has had its fair share of negativity recently, there are no doubts. I blog for a hobby and so does thousands of other bloggers. For some of us it isn’t all about making money. So many people have blogs for a hobby and it's not about it being 'saturated with those wanting freebies and money'. For me, my day to day job couldn't be further apart from blogging, but that's what I like a different outlet for me to channel and talk about things I love in a community which I am proud to be part of.

This got me thinking is the blogging world really dead? Is everyone really a blogger these days? I don't know how many thousands of bloggers there are out there probably millions if I think about it, but is that such a negative thing? Is there really no space left for any bloggers in this industry? These are the questions which I have never really thought about. Since the end of 2013 when I was welcomed into the blogosphere, I have loved pretty much 99% of my experience blogging. I came into it open minded and not a clue what to do. I loved reading blogs and seeing what everyone was buying and being introduced into an online community. 

However, how many of your favourite bloggers who you were reading when you first started out are still blogging regularly now? So many of the 'bigger' bloggers who I was reading when I first started now only post monthly, if ever. They have moved on to bigger and better, to the places which are YouTube and Instagram. Maybe blogging is really dying then. A few months ago the whole fiasco with a fake tanning company saying that bloggers are no longer reliable. I think some blogger are unfortunately in it for the freebies, but I think this is mainly newbie’s who are seeing lots of #ads all over social media, and want a piece of the action too. This is until they start and realise, shit this really isn't that easy. Now I am all for making money and receiving freebies from brands. So many of us work our socks off and why shouldn't we receive a nice fancy press release package everyone once in a while when you have promoted their brand for free tirelessly. But, the difference is many of us don't expect it. We are really excited and proud when we get approached that a brand wants to collaborate or send us something. 

I know it must be frustrating for bloggers when others are copying your exact style and photos. Its true there is no individuality in that. Maybe they are aspiring to be like others, but are going about it the very wrong way. That's what I love about blogging and all social media outlets seeing someone's individuality within their posts. I love stumbling across new blogs and Instagram feeds who have beautiful photos. 

The Instagram bots fiasco recently has also not helped the blogging community, when people are buying fake followers. You can't help but understand why people are when you've got reality TV stars buying followers. I think bloggers are so much more authentic and still a reliable source for people to turn too. That's what people want, to read something whether it be a new beauty product which they have wanted to try, or an outfit which you think wow I would never of put that together. It's from someone who is similar to them, it's relatable. I am included in chats with some brilliant bloggers who share similar views. We are here to blog, to maybe escape something. Just tonight my Instagram chat we have all been spreading love and it's just so nice to have people to talk to who blog too.

Everyone started with their own blog and those who have made it in to careers may not want to blog anymore, that's their choice but maybe they aren't part of the community anymore. However, the blogging community is very much alive. You are always going to have those who faking, cheating and trolling, bringing a bad name to the community. Just writing this post I've come to the conclusion the blogging community is very much still alive, and I for one will continue blogging. 



Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Colourpop Haul

I recently got sucked in by yet another Colourpop deal and before I knew a parcel was waiting for me. This is my 5th Colourpop haul as I simply cannot get enough.

When you bought two eyeshadows, you got a free eyeshadow brush of your choice. I choose the shader brush, I bought this as it will be great for packing on the eyelid highly pigmented products.

I picked up two eyeshadows, the first being la la which is a shiny copper shade which I was instantly drawn to. I also picked up the shade so quiche, which has a slightly olive undertone but still has gold as its mains component. This are both ultra-glitter formulas which if you like shimmer and sparkle these are for you. In previous Colourpop hauls (here, here, here and here) you can see that I have picked up a variety of different finishes in their super shock eyeshadows. These eyeshadows have a creme formula which are super easy to apply to the eyelid. I usually just pat them on with my finger, or blend them with my fluffy brush to create a less intense look. What I love about these is you can get the glitter, shine and glitz without the fallout of a standard pressed shadow.

I picked up finder's keepers which is from their new ultra gloss lip line. This is definitely a high-shine gloss which is comfortable on the lips, but these have great pigmentation. This shade is a deep rose pink with some mauve tonnes. I like that this is not glittery, just adding shine to the lips making them look fuller and more plump.

I have been wanting to pick up dopey since it launched, it has been a best seller and has always previously been sold out. This is a gorgeous medium purple toned shade which still has some pink undertones, which keeps it from being too dark for my liking and colourings. The ultra satin finishes are just as pigmented as the matte finishes but contains emollients to keep your lips hydrated. This colour is stunning and it is definitely one which I have been reaching for often.

I instantly fell in love when I ordered a lippie stix on the whim in my last order, and I have been loving it since. I ordered the shade lumiere which is part of Kathleen Lights collection. It is a dusty mauve pink which has a matte finish. If you are making your first Colourpop order I recommend trying these out as they are great. They are hydrating, super easy to apply and most importantly instantly pigmented. A classic one swipe and go product.



Sunday, 21 May 2017

Kylie Cosmetics x KKW

(Kimberly, Kim, Kiki and Kimmie)

I made a late night order in the first release of the Kylie Cosmetics x KKW. As always I got caught up in the hype, but I have definitely learnt with these launches to make sure they are going to be used. Her products belong between high street and high end and I think all round they are well priced. This collection is in collaboration with Kim Kardashian and is built around her favourite nude shades, which is what she is classically known for.

The set contains 4 shades which for me when I first saw swatches I did not think that they were classic Kim Kardashian nude shades. She has a darker much olive toned skintone than myself and she seems to go for darker nudes which are much more brown toned rather than pink, which is what this line seemed to edging towards.

The most nude shade of all is Kimberly which is definitely her kind of classic shade, which she made famous. I was unsure whether this would suit me as I am much fairer and paler in skintone. It took me a while to get used to this on me as I do not usually ever wear this kind of colour. It is definitely a great everyday shade and one which you can put in your handbag and will know will pretty much such whatever you are wearing and your look.

Kim is the shade which I think I will get the least use out of. It has a peach undertone to it which usually suits my colouring, however it's a little too peachy and washes me out a little bit. This would definitely look beautiful on darker skintones as it would stand out more. I also found that this was the stickiest of them all and clung a little bit to the inside of my lips.

Kiki is a light pinky shade which instantly I would call a rosy pink. This complements my colourings beautifully. I have been really loving wearing this with a simply golden sparkly eye and this is definitely the one I grab for a classic everyday shade. This is a classic spring/summer shade which many brands bring out.

Kimmie is my favourite of all in the set. When I first saw the swatches which Kylie put up I thought this was going to be really dark, too dark to suit me. I have to say I don't think this is a more of a classic Kim nude shade. This has a much darker pink with a hint of brown undertone which I love. It really compliments my colouring, and this is the only one which I think would suit everyone. I also think this a great my lips but better shade for myself. It's a little darker than what I would normally I go for, but it makes my lips look naturally more plump and full of life.

There is no doubting that this formula is comfortable on the lips, it is silky smooth and I like this feature a lot. There is no scent or taste to these which I am also a fan of. The pay off is quite sheer, but it offers a good amount of coverage. I would not use this as a mixture with another liquid lipstick as I think this is too much due to the pigmentation and these having a slightly sticky finish. You can build these up if you like, but I mainly just use one swipe. If I want a little more coverage I usually blot my lips slightly and they apply another layer, this prevents any gathering or the formula becoming too thick and uncomfortable.

I am used to wearing liquid lipsticks and Kylie herself have stated due to the creme texture the wear is different. I think I am so used to having a budge-proof liquid lipstick, with these they last until you eat or drink. I have worn these out and as soon as I have had a meal or drink there has been barely a trace of any product left on my lips. This is definitely a big down fall. These really remind me of the Anastasia Beverly Hills liquid lipglosses as they are much thicker than a lipgloss and are highly pigmented, but do not have the standard staying power of a liquid lipstick.

For $45 you get the bundle of 4 different creme lipsticks. When you break this down $11.25 per product is pretty decent value. When converted into English pounds and paying the £15 royal mail fee it came to a overall total of £60, so £15 each. I think this a good set and I am glad I have it in my collection. However, due to the longevity issue I am not sure I will be in a rush to be purchasing any more shades if she releases further products in this line.



Friday, 19 May 2017

Jouer Rose Gold Glitter Lip Topper

As always I got caught up in the craze and before I knew it I was the proud owner of the Jouer Rose Gold Glitter Lip Topper. I have been wanting to try something from Jouer forever as I have heard some many great things about them. I have been loving anything in the form of a liquid lipstick since they landed with a bang on the beauty scene. However, I do like to go back to good old lipsticks and lipglosses, and I did not think that was too badly priced at £13.50.

I first applied this over the top of a lipstick and I was instantly impressed by the pigmentation. With one layer I had an equal application of gloss over my lips. It feels smooth and there is a slight tackiness to the gloss. If you don't like scents to a gloss this is definitely not for you. It has a very strong toasted marshmallow scent which you can smell as soon as you pull out the lip wand. However, when applied to the lips the taste is a little different, and I don't think it is one everyone will love. This is very moisturising on the lips which is down to the Vitamin E which it contains, which is an added bonus as it feels super soft and silky on my lips.

I think this is great to wear alone as a rosy gold shimmer but also as a top coat to add more glitz and glam to your lips. It also buildable which is great so you can go in with two or three coats if you want to without it collecting or becoming uncomfortable. So far when using this I have added just one layer, as the pigmentation in this is seriously beautiful and I have never had a lipgloss like this before. It has a mixture of pink, silver and gold glitters which produces a gorgeous combination which is mainly rose gold, but the hint of silver can be seen when it catches the light. I like that this is not too dark, as I think this will work with any shade of lipstick if you did want to use it as a topper. The doe-foot applicator allows an equal and even application of gloss all over the lips. Jouer has done a brilliant job with this and it is everything which I wanted it to be. If you like glitter and gloss you need this.


Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Life after university

I thought I would write a post all about life after university. For me, this time last year I was on my last placement unsure and anxious about what the future held. It can be one of the most unsure periods of time in your life, like you are literally leaping into the unknown. It has to be the scariest time of my life. Not only was I moving two hours back home, but also for the first time ever I was having a full time job which came with a lot of responsibility. I would love to have read a blog post from someone who was simply there to tell me everything will be okay, and this is what this post is for.

I cannot even tell you how fast the last 9 months have flown by, it has been ridiculous. I feel like a lot of things fly by, but being back  at university and not living in my hometown feels like a lifetime ago. However, on the other hand I feel as though I have now only been in my job about 4 months if I am totally honest. Everything feels like it has been a whirlwind, but an exciting one. I know it gets to that stage in the year when you are at uni and you just cannot wait to finish. Me and my friends all had countdowns on our calendars as we were just all so ready to finish, and finally be able to earn and not have to attend lectures.

I can in fact tell you that when I received my first pay, it was actually such a refreshing and proud moment. I did not particularly have anything I wanted, but that feeling that you have earned that cash for me is very fulfilling. I still feel like this 9 pay packages on, I hope I never get to the point where I am not proud of what I have earned. Before the pay packages come, the finding a job has to come first. In the industry which I am in there is a lot of competition for jobs, but also a wide range of jobs choices to choose from. I think this was the scariest bit for me, thinking about all of the time and effort which I had put in throughout my time at university but not having any job to go into at the end is a gut wrenching feeling. Having this determination to succeed and secure a job was definitely helpful when not only applying but interviewing for jobs. I found that I was able to passionately talk about why I wanted the job, as that was genuinely how I felt. I received a job offer for the job which I am not in around May last year and finished university in July, but I did not officially start until September. Throughout this period of time I was so excited, but also a bag of nerves.

The pay to me is a bonus, job satisfaction is the reason I get up and go to work. I think within my first few weeks I went to bed every night thinking why on earth have I chosen to work here. I was constantly doubting myself and I had many sleepless night. However, I hope this helps in saying I think you have to go through these tough times. You have to step up, prove yourself and battle on. Winter is the busiest time in hospitals so I was thrown into the deep end, but that definitely did my good. About 3 months into the job, I thought to myself one day you are doing this and your doing okay, and that is what made me dig deeper to prove to my team that I am a valued member. I still go into work thinking what the hell will today hold, and that is what excites me. I will go into my job everyday thinking this, and when that excitement fizzles out I have always told myself that will be when I consider moving out.

The team. Every single person who I have worked with has made me feel totally welcome. I know this is the not the case for some, and I dread to think why someone wishes to not welcome a new work colleague when we have all been there as the newbie. Having someone to confidentially ask questions to is a massive help, because come on we are always going to need to ask questions. I would suggest asking as many as possible when you first start, it shows enthusiasm. Going into a new job, fresh out of university acting as if you know everything is going to turn heads. People feel passionate about standards and have worked hard to build a great team, and also in my case a great department, and they want to continue in that direction. I really enjoy work, I don't particularly love the early starts but you've got to take the good with the bad, and I honestly do not believe that there is a perfect job out there for everyone. What there is though, is jobs which are going to make you feel fulfilled.


Sunday, 14 May 2017

Makeup on my face

Since I recently organised my makeup I have been having a great time rediscovering my makeup collection. You can read a little further all about this in my shop your stash post here. I have been having a ball of a time recently and there are a few products which I have been reaching for a little more than others.

I have had the LA Girl Pro.coverage foundation in my possession for a while. However, I have been using the L'Oreal infallible full coverage on a daily basis, but it is a little drying on my skin. I will always reach for a liquid over cream type foundation if I can and that is exactly the reason why I have been loving this from LA Girl. This is a full coverage foundation which I love using with both a brush and beautyblender. The only down side is that this is a little too dark for my skin at the moment as it always hard to judge swatches when you are not able to look at it yourself in a store. 

I have not really heard too much hype regarding the Seventeen stay time concealer unless I have been on a different planet. I have been using this as an under eye concealer in the shade very fair and it has been doing the job beautifully adding light and radiance to my under eye area, without it looking cakey. It wears really well throughout the day and I am going to buy this in a slightly darker shade and put it to the test on my problematic areas. 

MAC studio fix concealer was an absolute favourite of mine for years when I first started wearing makeup. It is a full coverage and I use it to cover my problematic areas and I really like it. It is definitely full coverage and has quite a thick consistency which for once is what I enjoy about this.

Finding my MAC blush in Stereorose is the best thing which has come out of my makeup reorganisation. I used this routinely when I first got it, and at the moment I have been using it daily once again. It is such a beautiful pink shade which has golden glitter running through it. It looks amazing on the skin and it flatters my cheeks wonderfully.

I recently took the splurge and bought the Benefit goof proof brow pencil in the full size, and I am so glad I did as it is a really great eyebrow pencil and one of the best products which Benefit has brought out in a long while. I like the slightly waxy texture of the product and it applies very easy throughout my brows. It is also a great bonus that this comes with a spoolie as I always like to make sure that I brush the product through my brows.


Friday, 12 May 2017

Shopping your stash

Recently as part of my bedroom declutter which has been taking place, one of my first priorities was getting my makeup in order. I wanted it to be on display where I could see everything clearly and easily to grab for easy access. I bought the Alex/Linnmon desk from Ikea which I absolutely adore. It is perfect for if you have not got lots of space, but you want a makeup desk and drawers to hold your makeup collection. I am going to do a whole post on the contents of my drawers in the near future.

I have to say since that having everything organised in my Muji containers and these copper baskets which I have to say both fit into my drawer perfectly, it has allowed me to literally shop my own collection. I have found so many products which I used to love, which has been gathering dust as I simply could not get too. Having everything organised and to hand makes life so much easier. I found that I was in a rut of using the same products day in day out. This new set up allows me to browse everything which I own, and at such ease.

I wake up a 6.30am for work and I cannot explain how nice it has been to have all my makeup displayed in order in my drawers, and to hand. I keep my base products - primers, foundations and concealers in the top drawer. The second homes all things powders - face powders, bronzers, blushers and highlighters. The third is where all my lip products life in all their different forms. The fourth and fifth are the biggest drawers. In the top one I keep all my palettes and extras such as eyelashes and tools, and in the bottom I keep all my skincare things which I do not use on a daily basis. The copper baskets which you can see the picture were exactly what I was looking for for a long time, I was super happy when I saw them on the shelves of Primark for just £3! They are perfect and I have four of them in total, they are a perfect way to display your products.

From this post my main message was really just try and organise your collection, and before you think that you are needing something new maybe shop your own stash as you will be surprised at what you will find. If your makeup collection is large, I suggest rotating your products which you have on display. When I started rediscovering my old products it was really exciting as I felt as though as I had been on some major shopping spree and had lots of new products to now play with. It is also a great way to get inspiration for new blog posts as I have come up with lots of new ideas.


Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Not being too hard on yourself

I write this on a Monday afternoon after the busiest week of 2017 so far. Last week, I had so much going I managed to write one post and take a few Instagram pictures. I have had times before where I have been behind on my blogging, at one time or another. One thing I have learnt is sometimes, everyone needs to take some of their own advice. I can definitely take too much on my shoulders, and I sit here today with my to do list which I made at 8am this morning thinking about how I am going to get everything in.

I blog, because I like blogging - simple as that. I think we have all had times where we have been too hard on ourselves when it comes to our blogs. However, this does not make it any easier when you are facing a tough time with your schedule and work/life balance. Last week was the first time in years since I started my blog where I have only published one blog post in one week. Occasionally, when I get super busy I go down to two. But, having just one post up and nothing to put on Instagram made me feel incredibly rubbish. I am not one to just shove out content, and I did actually have some post ideas which I had brainstormed previously, but having the time to write a post or take photos was proving too difficult.

I think sometimes we do need to have a little break, and it actually did me the world of good without me realising. Today, I woke up with some many fresh ideas, I made a list of 10 posts which I want to write within the space of 15 minutes. I hate when you are having dreaded bloggers block, and you feel like you are having to force out ideas. I feel that this shows in how you write your posts, and it comes across to your readers. Having a few days off from everything, made me come back with feeling fresh and ready to go.

Sometime in the moment, which for me was those few days at the end of last week things can seem 10x worse at the time. Reflecting on it, it was only me really who was disappointed in myself, and I really need to learn to let it go a little easier. I think having some healthy competition was yourself can be brilliant as it can help you strive to achieve, and then you are seeing results for all the hard one work which you have put in.

All I am saying is we need to be a little more gentle with ourselves. Being tough and hard, only leads to more stress. I know that from now on, if I am really struggling with managing my blog content I am going to try my best not to let it get to me as much as it has before. If you take the fun out of blogging what are we left with. The answer for me is not very much.



Wednesday, 3 May 2017

Spring Lipsticks

There are five lipsticks in different shapes, forms and shades which I think are perfect for Spring.

MAC syrup is my all time holy grail favourite lipstick and I actually don't think I mention it enough considering my love for it. This is a purple grape toned lipstick, which I keep in my handbag at all times. I wear this whenever I just can't decide what to wear, as I know it will always go with whatever makeup look I am wearing. If you buy one lipstick this Spring - let it be this you will not be disappointed.

Charlotte Tilbury sexy sienna has come back into my life with a real bang since rediscovering it, and I featured it in my April favourites post. The formula of these are lovely, smooth and the pigmentation of the lipsticks are beautiful. Also, just look at the packaging! I am dying to pick up pillow talk to add to my collection, I am sure to cave at some point in the near future.

Kat Von D's lolita II is my go to on a day where I want to feel slightly sassy, but I also want don't want something which is super bright. I have seen so many different people wearing this, with a variety of skin tones and it has look stunning on each and every one. You probably know how much I adore Kat Von D's liquid lipstick formula, if you have been a reader of my blog for a while you know it is the best which I have ever tried and I still stand be that.

Sephora's cream lips stain in strawberry kissed (03) is a bright pink toned red which is simply stunning, and I always feel fabulous when I wear this. This has a matte finish and is a liquid lipstick which I really like. This line has some great options if you want to add some bright and vibrant colours into your collection.

The Colourpop lippie stix in hype girl is the latest lipstick which I am trying out. It has a matte finish and the shade is a beautiful peach toned nude which is what was missing from all of my lip shades. I have really been loving these lippie stix from Colourpop as the formula is gorgeous. They are silky smooth and easy to apply, they are pigmented and you only need one easy swipe for a full application of colour.


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