Thursday, 5 December 2013

Christmas is Coming - Searching for Discount Codes

After my post earlier in the week about paying for delivery and the frustration that it causes me, I started searching for discount codes the method I used was very simple - I typed into Google the shop I was looking for then discount codes after it. It brought up loads of webpages with sites offering codes. It usually brings up the most used ones at the top so I think its best to stick to sites like vouchercloud and vouchercodes. It can be a little bit annoying because some of the codes are out of date as they all have expiries on them, but you should be able to find some kind of code somewhere with a little bit of searching. On the first site I went on which was, it brought me a selection of offers for me to choose from. I picked the 10% off everything and free delivery that instantly saved me £6 on this present which was just part of a present for my mum. I feel that I can now spend £6 on something else for her or it can just go towards someone else's present. Like I was saying in my previous post, if people actually added up delivery charges for all there presents that they have done online people would be very surprised at how much it has actually cost them.

So from now every time I go online I am going to search for codes, it only takes a few minutes at the most and if you've got a little bit of time I would definitely recommend having a look around at what's on offer. I do think they may be an occasion where there is nothing available for some shops but you never know unless you try and sometimes you can really find a big saving especially if its an item with a big price tag.

I also nearly forgot to mention the fact that if you go on to discount websites, they sometimes have printable coupons that you can take into store and show, and they can either scan them or they have codes on them and you can save that way. In America couponing is huge, but over here its slowly becoming more popular. For example in Boots monthly catalogue there's always have coupons on the back and check your boots card when you go in you always get bits of money off or extra points. If you sign up to shops email subscription, I wake up to a stack of emails offering me 10% off today only and free delivery over the weekend. Over the last weekend Topshop had 20% shoes and bags and free delivery on everything which made me extremely happy! It just makes you save a little bit more with little effort when you have email subscription because there's no fuss, it just tells you what to do and you know its going to be valid because it always states clearly the dates it valid.

I hope you all get discount code searching and let me know if you find anything that you was extremely proud of, I guarantee you will feel a sense of satisfaction that the fact that you have saved yourself money.

Happy online shopping!


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