Sunday, 16 October 2016

Tanya Burr Beauty Advent Calendar

For the first time ever I decided to treat myself to a beauty advent calendar and after a lot of deliberating I finally choose to go with Tanya Burr's. I am a big fan of Tanya's cosmetic collection and I didn't want to buy one which was going to break the bank and this seemed like great value for money for £15. Its RRP is £25 and I have been told in store it is £25 but online they are £15. I know it's only October and I am one of those people where Christmas does not start until the 1st December, but I know that these exclusive advent calendars sell out quick and seeing as it was on promotion I decided to snap it up.

I know most advent calendars have 25 windows but this has 12 and this seems to be the trend in many beauty advent calendars. Seeing as Tanya's products are sold in Superdrug and are therefore aimed at a drugstore/affordable market, if she had 25 products it would bump the price up a lot and her target audience may not of been able to afford it. I have had a little peek online at what is included in the calendar, and there are a wide variety of nail polishes, lip glosses, matte lipsticks, glitter pots and glitter eyeliners. I haven't investigated into the shade range included as I would like for it to be a surprise each morning. I think there is a good selection included in the calendar and I have decided I am going to open a door every other day.

Have you had your eye on any beauty advent calendars?


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