Sunday, 15 January 2017

New Years Resolutions

I have already put up my blogging goals post if you want to have a read of that. I had been toying with the idea of putting up this for a few days, and I decided to as its better late then never. This is a new one to my blog as the past 3 years I hadn't really had many personal resolutions, but this year I
am feeling more pumped and willing than ever.

1. My first goal is all about work. I started my first full time job in October after qualifying and graduating from uni. I want to really shine and show myself which is something which I have been struggling with in my first few months of starting. When they say you will sink or swim, I have definitely felt a lot more times of sinking than swimming but I think I am starting to get there. However, this is going to be a huge year for me at work, I have so much to learn and this is only the beginning. I want to finish this year thinking that I have achieved and learnt a lot, and that I am able to work well on my own without the constant reliance of others.

2. This year I have to take on board my messiness! I have always been a messy and untidy person, I not unclean or dirty but I leave my stuff everywhere. I try so hard to keep the little amount of mess around me tidy, but in no time it erupts and I have a mountain to face and I simply leave it as I cannot be bothered to tackle it. I think I need to just do a huge clear out and tidy, and then make myself stick it. I think it will help me stay more organised and want to have a clear space in my room, which I can actually enjoying having. This is my number one goals this year and I am determined to stick to it!

3. Working full time means that I now able to set myself some financial goals, which is exciting. I want to open a Help To Buy ISA, to help me save for a deposit for a house. This is going to take me a few years I know but we all have to start somewhere. I am determined not to rent somewhere as I know that I won't on my own be able to afford to rent and save for a house at the same time.

4. I also have some material goods which I will be saving for this year, this being a rose gold Apple Mac, a new camera for blogging and also a Gucci bag. I am no way going to be able to buy them all but I am good with money and I want to buy myself a few big things this year. I like having a goal for what I am saving for, and we can all dream about buying those things which we are lusting after.

5. Joining the gym is a big one for me. Now that I am home and not bobbing backwards and forwards from uni I have no excuse. I am wanting to loose a little bit of weight and also tone up for myself to increase my confidence. As I write this I joined this gym on Monday and I have attended a bodyattack class which I really enjoyed. I also had my induction at the gym which turned into an hours personal training session, which has left my legs completely dead. I didn't actually hate it and it was nice to learn how to use all the equipment correctly, as next time I go in the gym it will hopefully not be as daunting.

I am motivated to keep to these goals as there is nothing to out of the ordinary which I will struggle with. I want to look back to the end of the year and think to myself that I really tried hard to achieve them.

What are your New Years resolutions?



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