Sunday, 30 April 2017

The roundup for April

At the start of the month I headed to Prague for a week with my parents, and we had a good time. You can read all about the trip away in my what I ate in Prague post and also my a city break in Prague post. It was really nice to have a break as I had two weeks annual leave from work which was great as I was able to de-stress.

I also went on a night out to Leeds with one of my best friends from uni which was great. I really like visiting Leeds, I think it is a fabulous city and the shopping is great. We went for a little catch up and we had a fabulous evening which was very much alcohol fueled. This was also a little celebration as I had actually managed to go the whole of March without drinking which I was doing as to see if it contributed to my weight loss, and it didn't have much effect at all. Although, it was nice to have a detox, but I found myself very bored on Saturday nights not being able to go out.

As I write this I am still in a little Ed Sheeran bubble, I went to see him last Sunday and he was simply spectacular. I was a little optimistic as to how he was going to engage with the audience with just him and his guitar. But that is exactly what makes him so brilliant and well loved. He is absolutely amazing live, and I will definitely be going to any future concerts which I can do.

This month also involved three, yes three trips to Ikea. Remember, at the start of the year when I set out on a mission to renovate my room and I finally made it happened. Me and my dad went on an initial trip to decide what I wanted to buy, and more importantly what would fit in the available space. I am super happy with what we decided to choose, we had to make another trip back as one of the main pieces of wood to my bookcase had snapped in two when we got it home. All the furniture is now in place, and I am currently in the stages of putting back all of my belongings. I am trying to declutter, but as a re-known hoarder it is proving difficult. I will report back in next months post is to how I have got on.

In May, I have a few exciting things happening including a trip to Nottingham with my university friends. I am also going to see Bruno Mars and Take That which I really excited about!

What did you get up to in April?


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