Sunday, 16 July 2017

Primark Nails

A few weeks ago whilst shopping in Newcastle with my friends we went into the huge Primark in the Metrocentre, their beauty section was brilliant and had a such a great variety of products. We all decided to pick up the new nude stiletto nails for £1, and decided we would have a bit of a pamper that night. We were all so surprised at how easy they were to put on, they come with numbers as most false nails do. I found there was a lot of variety as I have small fingernails and they fitted well. We all felt fabulous, and we all just kept saying to each other I can not believe they were £1!

Since then, when I go into any Primark I have been checking out their range of nails and I have been so surprised at the variety of shapes and colours available even in the smaller stores. I picked up another pack off the new nudes to wear for my weekend in London which you can read all about here. The first thing which I have been impressed with is how long they last. I have not worn false nails in years as they usually just break off very easily, and then you are continuously trying to stick them back on. Heads up, the glue that comes in the pack is good, however Primark sell a two pack of glue for 60p and I highly recommend picking up this glue as it is great.

For my birthday last week I decided to get a little more adventurous and put on the nails you can see in picture one, I can not for the life of my remember the name of these but I am definitely picking up another pack. They are silver holographic with silver gems on, I thought that they were are a little over the top. However, I loved them once they were on. All of my friends literally asked me where I had my nails done, as they thought I'd had them done professionally. The jewel nail range are £3, which I still think is an absolute bargain considering the price of other false nails, and having these nails done in a salon would cost you easily £20. I wore these for 5 days and not one came one!

With my job unfortunately I can't wear anything on my nails and I felt as though I had kind of neglected them as I had not even painted them in months. Since discovering these nails, it has made me feel girly and a little bit glam again. As you can see when I went to the big Manchester store I picked up the nails which I wore for my birthday as well as the other colours and styles which you can see in the picture. I've got a little stock in my beauty drawers as I have got a few exciting weekend events coming up and I will definitely be wearing them. I am going to have to decide which ones to wear on my holidays now. I was originally going to have my nails done at the salon for my two week holiday to Italy in August, but I am struggling with the logistics of being able to have them put on and taken off around when I am in work. I think I might just buy two packs of nails incase any do come off with the chlorine and then I have spares.

As you can see I am a big fan of these and I have been wanting to get this post up as soon as I could, are they are great for festivals and holidays. I think Primark beauty can definitely be hit and miss, but honestly I can not recommend their false nail range enough!



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