Thursday, 26 October 2017

4 year Blogiversary

I cannot believe I started up my little old blog 4 years ago today. I remember sitting in my room at university and thinking I am going to do this. It is so funny when I look back at my old posts, as I honestly thought you had to blog everyday. I remember being so busy but always getting home to put up a new post on time, for obvious reasons that only lasted a few months. I would use my wooden desk at uni as mt background, and my phone to take my photos. This was all way before the days of marble and rose gold backgrounds!

I have definitely had some ups and downs whilst blogging, but the good definitely out way the bad. When I first started I felt as though I would never, ever belong within the blogging community but I started joining in chats and before I knew it I felt as though I had a few online friends. I have definitely had times where I have felt like giving up, once being earlier this year where I literally thought about writing a goodbye for good post. However, I picked myself up and started remembering the reasons why I started blogging, and the joy it had bought me and before I knew it I was back in the game.

Attending events especially the Bloggers Blog Awards the last two years has made me realise the amount of amazing and talented bloggers which are out there. I have met some truly great people and I love that blogging has allowed me to do this.

I have got some big plans, which I literally need to just put into action. I want to buy my own blogging domain, it is definitely about time. I also want to have a little rejig of my blog design and incorporate a bit of colour into it, instead of the black and white theme which I currently have.

As I have already said I go through phases of loving and hating blogging. I am currently in the loving stage and I really want to try and broaden my horizon. My blog has always been beauty based, and I think that is why I felt stagnant with the direction it was going. I have enjoyed speaking my mind in lifestyle posts, and sharing my holidays and expanding the travel section of my blog recently. I still want to post more fashion posts, I always put outfits together and want to share them. However, I never want to ask my mum to do a little photo shoot and I just haven't really got the confidence for it either. It is definitely something to work towards.

I am so happy I have managed to get to 4 years of blogging, and I am a little bit proud of me self for sticking it out, and dedicating a lot of time to a hobby which I do (most of time!) thoroughly enjoy.



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