Sunday, 30 August 2015

New Lush Launches

As we all know lush has launched a brand new line of bath products. However they were exclusive to the flagship store on Oxford Street in London. So for all us lush lovers living everywhere but London we were unable to get our paws on the line. But there is good news awaiting for us, they have realised the line in many other stores around the UK- yippee! 

I am a massive lover of the Lush brand, and have been for many years. They sell so many lovely, unique products containing natural ingredients. I had a little look on their website before heading out to my local store. Thank goodness I was with my mum, as I was surprised that my local store had as much as they did of the new line as it is a very small store. I fell instantly in love with the Pink Flamingo Bubble Bar, as this is just so girly and pretty. As part f the Christmas Collection they sell a pink star which is a really lovely product, and I always pick it up each year. At £5.95 they may seem very expensive, but I always get 3-4 uses out of the bubble bars. As you run them under the tap they rapidly create bubbles, and you get a really good bubbly bath. The Experimenter Bath Bomb was not initially on my hit list, and I had planned to pick up the Frozen Let It Go Bath Bomb which looked very exciting! But the experimenter is so colourful, and I could just imagine my bath being a rainbow which sounds pretty dam good to me.

Have you picked anything up from the new lush line?



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