Wednesday, 30 December 2015

2016 Blogging Goals

I did one of these posts last year and I really enjoyed doing it. I love setting myself personal goals to strive to achieve and it helps you keep focused.

I have really tried to focus on my photography this year, and I worked hard to improve it but there is definitely more work to be done. I find it really hard when I am on placement to take photos when the light is at its best, and taking pictures in bulk is definitely the way forward. 

I have started to become more organised and I need to continue with this. Buying my notebook was the best thing ever, as it helps me to plan my posts. I can easily see what I have done, and what I still have to do. I also do mind maps and notes planning out what I'm going to do, the content needed, and when I'm going to be posting it in the month. I am definitely going to continue with this organisation, and try to optimise my notebook more when inspiration strikes. 

Instagram seems to be a game changer for a lot of bloggers recently. So I think I need to seriously up my game. I can go days or even weeks without posting anything, and people want to see regular content and uploads if you want them to stick around. So this is a big one for me, to also take bulk photos for Instagram to help me to always have something to upload for when I am busy.

This may sound a little cheesy, but I would like to start making more friends within the blogging community. I speak to some really lovely bloggers regularly who are really great, but I don't really know anyone on a personal level or talk to anyone off Twitter. I don't actually have any 'friends' who blog, so I think it would be really nice to be able to discuss blogging within people within the community. So here's an olive branch to those girls who are already my Twitter faves, and to anyone else for that matter! Let's all feel loved come 2016!! 

I think the goals which I have set are realistic and there is just enough to get my teeth stuck in to for 2016! I was thinking I might do a half yearly review next year, to see how I am getting on with sticking to what I set out to achieve.

I would love to read your goals posts. So please link them below. I wish everyone a Happy New Year and let's smash 2016!!



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