Thursday, 24 December 2015

Merry Christmas!

Today marks the last day of #blogmas for me. I have had a fab time doing it, but I have felt very pressurised at times trying to make sure I had a post up for the next day. But if has definitely made me feel at ease for the future, as to just post when I want to. I cannot believe Christmas Eve is here. I think I am finally in the Christmas mood (horray!). I am super excited for the next few days to relax and spend some quality time with my family, and eating as much food as I can possibly consume!

I'm not sure when I'll next be posting a blog post, but I have two posts planned somewhere between Boxing Day and New Year so keep your eyes peeled. I think I am going to do the obvious what I got for Christmas post, as I really enjoy looking back at what I got, and I love to read these on other people's blogs.

I would like to wish each and everyone of my readers, old and new a very merry Christmas, have a fabulous day and eat and drink as much as you possibly can!! A special little thank you to those few readers who have been keeping up with my blogmas and have been really lovely, it's made me all warm and cosy inside as you are all too nice. I am going to go before I get emotional!! 

Merry Christmas!!! 



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