Sunday, 11 March 2018

Imperial Leather Unicorn Marshmallow Foamburst

Whilst browsing the aisles of the supermarket I saw this new Imperial Leather Unicorn Marshmallow Foamburst on a stand. There's no denying that the packaging caught my eye and made me drawn into the display. I have been a huge fan of Imperial Leather's foamburst for years, and when I was younger I remember my mum buying it me as a treat. There is no denying that this instantly took me back to my childhood. I am not quite sure where this recent unicorn phenomenon has come from, but I am definitely on board with it.

The thing which I love the most of the foamburst line is how once you spray it out of the can it is a soft pink thick liquid, as soon as it hits water it instantly disputes into a thinner white foam which feels incredibly soft to touch. The best bit is applying it to your body as it feels so silky smooth, and it leaves your skin feeling moisturised. I do like the scent of marshmallow, but sometimes in products it can be a little overwhelming. In this, it contains just the right amount of sweetness and does not smell sickly.

The bottle advertises that you get 40 showers out of one bottle. I think this is a little optimistic as I always get excited and I probably squirt out a little too much. A little does go a long way though as once the water hits the liquid the amount of foam doubles in size. All in all, this is not just a fun product. I think this is actually a very good body wash and it is not just all about the gimmicks. I like the scent, it feels soft to touch, and moisturises the skin. The normal price is £3.15 which is such a bargain, but even better it is currently on an introductory offer for just £2.00 in all retailers. I am definitely going to be stocking up as it such a lovely product.



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